Author Topic: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)  (Read 3710 times)


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My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
on: June 30, 2018, 09:15:20 PM
Steam player.
Just started noticing this a couple days ago. my gold seemingly at random keeps dropping back to a total of 17027 without spending any on anything. at first I thought I was just not remembering spending it, but I just finished a session with a friend where I was using tickets to get him into missions he didn't have yet and should have made a good 20000 just from the ticket bonus alone. and I remember looking at it before our last mission, and it was somewhere around 50000 total. then when we finished up I look at my gold...17027 again... I have lost close to 100000 gold now and I have spent it on nothing. my progression is completely frozen because I can't actually retain any of my gold, and I can't figure out where it's going.

I am a pretty patent cat, and I have tolerated and supported a lot of this game's broken nonsense in stride, as well as being one of the few dumb bastards to pay full price for all 3 episodes of a game that most of the playerbase got either for free or close to it... but if I can't get some kind of resolution on this I am going to have to move on, because this is just silly.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:53:39 PM by BasiliskEye »


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Re: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
Reply #1 on: July 03, 2018, 08:44:15 PM
Finally got an answer from support. apparently I had accidentally hit a button during survival countdowns that would eat 40000 gold to reset the timer.

This is stupid. I have seen the option and thought how stupid it was. I would NEVER intentionally piss away that much gold on such a worthless option. that is ten GOOD missions worth of gold.

I have tolerated and accepted the existence a lot of the stupid design decisions in the mechanics of this game, but I will not tolerate this. I will not touch this game or pay another cent into it again unless this feature is either removed or Murcurysteam at lest adds a confirmation warning on the fucking thing, because that is a minimum of 5 straight hours of missions and selecting only gold rewards down the toilet every time accidentally pressed, that is a colossal disregardful for the value of your players time.

And nothing makes me uninstall faster then knowing that devs don't care they are wasting my time.


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Re: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
Reply #2 on: July 03, 2018, 09:01:53 PM
Wow that sucks. To be fair though the button has to be held down, it's not as simple as just accidentally pressing the button.

I do agree that the 40k cost is absurd and would rather see it changed drastically or removed, as it's completely unrealistic and unreasonable for any true practical use.... but this loss was ultimately user error :\ It seems like a unfair judgement on your behalf to expect the refund for a potentially game-winning mechanic, since anyone who has ever used it (on purpose or not) could just claim it was an accident.


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Re: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
Reply #3 on: July 03, 2018, 09:20:53 PM
Yes it is my fault, and I even figured out why it kept happening. I play this game with a controller, because a wrist injury keeps me from being able to use a mouse for any stretch of time. Sometimes I play it with a friend on discord, because I am using a controller I got a keyboard in my lap and hit spacebar as a push to talk button. Apparently spacebar is the thing on the keyboard you hold to confirm this stupid god damn prompt. it never crossed my mind this was a thing though because spacebar by default is also jump, and I had long rebound that, the problem is apparently that does not remove it's bind as a confirmation button; nothing does apparently. I played this game for 60 hours completely oblivious to this until I started noticing hours and hours of money randomly vanishing, I never even noticed the survival timer resetting which means every time I did it was probably close to the end of the countdown meaning I was not just pissing my gold away without realizing it, I was pissing it away for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

that being said, I can take responsibility for my own fuck ups, but this mechanic shouldn't even be there at all, and seems to only exist to eat an egregious amount of player gold either through error or poor priorities, no sane player ever intentionally uses it, EVER.
losing a match in this game is not that critical.

I could just suck it up and deal with it. and in a game that wasn't already full of pure nonsense mechanics I would, but this was the straw that broke the camels back for me, the level power scaling, the double RNG system for unlocking guns, the negligible rewards for winning against players over bots, the same awkwardly voiced cutscenes playing over and over and over and over, the obvious grindwalls that only exist to try and wear out your patience and get you to whale out and just buy gold, and countless other little inexplicable design decisions all put together, it's just too much.
I WANT to love this game, I WANT to get other people in it, but these mechanics decisions; Murcurysteam almost seems to want people to find reasons to not play this game.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 10:13:44 PM by BasiliskEye »


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Re: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
Reply #4 on: July 03, 2018, 10:02:36 PM
Wow yeah, if you play with a controller I can totally agree that the keyboard buttons should not also be functioning within the game at the same time, that seems like an oversight. That sounds like something that deserves a fix and I can see why you'd want the gold refunded.

And just to reiterate, I also agree that this mechanic is a bad one all around. If 2 people get gold you're only gonna get back like 3-5k on a win, if 3 people get gold you're gonna get around 2k. If only you get it, the max you'll hope to see is like 10k if you're lucky and have someone with max bounty hunter.... but that's rare, REALLY rare. For the revives to cost 40k is absurd, it's still a "pay to MAYBE win" and like you said, winning or losing isn't really that big of a deal in this game.


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Re: My gold keeps resetting. (Steam)
Reply #5 on: July 03, 2018, 10:50:23 PM
I never even expected to get my gold back. I just want the problems in this game to be addressed. I have never seen a developer so consistently apathetic about their barely existent player base as Murcurysteam is with this "passion project" game.

And now I just read they removed invite ticket drops...