I just wanted the Developers to know, as a fan I really loved this game about a year ago.
I put money into the game.
But since then they have made the game worse in every update.
Opening up the cards was good, but now they have a beligerent unlock card system that takes days to get the card I want.
What are you doing Devs?
They haven't adressed the problems with MMR and difficulty scaling in over a year. But they had time to add dances, music, poses and bullshit.
It's really disappointing that they have ZERO focus on fixing the problems with their CORE Game!
And they aren't learning from other Free 2 Play contemporaries so that tells me these developers are bad!
I don't understand how they still aren't addressing the imbalance either?
Do they think they can keep adding bad features?
I used to want to recommend this game to friends, and I used to have to explain away the bad parts of it a year ago.
But now?
I can't even recommend it!
It has so many problems that I can't explain away, I can't recommend the game to anyone in its current state!
Fix your Antag Mode!
I just had a game where the Ping was so bad for the first time ever, that people were teleporting, unshootable, unwinnable.
And even with good ping, the balance is so ruined I want the devs to play this game! Test it out!
Play Antag!
Show me how to win against cheating MMR players as Antag on all missions!
Why else is this mode playable if it's unwinnable against players who should be my level?
Your game is broken!
I gave the game a one-star review on Xbox.
That's how disappointed I am in a game that really was my favorite! 😂
It's insane to me what Mercury Steam is doing 😱