Its not that i failed the roll after sucessfully completing the mission, the point is, i didnt get the roll. The rare bp was showing as a "one-time only" reward which would usually mean completin the mission to get the reward right. Well now i noticed something some of you may not have... a mission has gold/faction (medium/high/very high) as a reward and a rare bp as a "win 2/3 games in a row" reward ( or refered to as a win streak). Sucessfully completing the mission will reward the gold and or faction as detailed in the level discription and will also show how many victories you have towards obtaining the rare bp and how many are still required. However i noticed today purely by chance the reason i never got the roll for the rare bp after successfully completing the mission, heres how.... the level had 3 rewards, gold as a reward ( HIGH) for simply completing the mission, faction as a "one-time" reward again given after completing the level and a rare bp as a reward for 3 consecutive victories (win streak). After my first successful completion and returning to the adventure screen to select the next level/levels i want to play, i noticed the level i just completed (the one with these 3 rewards) was showing "gold" (high) as a reward and a rare bp as a "one time" reward not a reward for consecutive wins which rare bps are, also not only was it under "one-time" rewards it didnt give any indication as to how many consecutive wins i have or how many consecutive wins are required. Please check this, it only seems to happen if there are 3 rewards on a particular lvl. if the lvl has 2 rewards, gold/faction as a reward for completing the mission and rare bp for consecutive wins, the mission select screen will show the gold/faction reward and also how many consecutive wins you need to get the rare bp and how many you have towards this total. In my case the mission had 3 rewards Gold as a reward for completing the mission, faction (high) as a "one-time" reward and a rare bp for " 3 wins in a row". I did successfully complete my first attempt... i recieved my level reward (gold) and my "one-time" reward (faction), but returning to adventure mode to select the level a second time i noticed the rare bp was no longer under the " 3 wins in a row" reward, it had actually changed to a "one-time" reward instead and no longer shows how many wins are required or how many wins i already have. Check it see if im right, if it happened on mine its happened to others aswel they probs never noticed but like i said I only noticed it on a level with 3 rewards ... gold/faction, a "one-time" reward and a "wins in a row" reward.