Love me or hate me, but currently I feel like the balance is tuned correctly right now, aside from a few issues. I've never seen a Harec or Shae win as the antagonist, just haven't seen it. Maybe it's just me, but when I play against them, it's usually just a stomping. As for bugs, there are some extremely frustrating ones, especially for the antagonist. At some point during the match one of the raiders bugged out or left and things were going well. I ended up wiping them all but because of the bug they ended up getting another set of lives and the 4th member came back... I ended up winning, but it's challenging enough as an antagonist. Another bug is that when you do the solo missions, only hanging by a thread seemed to give me the 500g reward which is super annoying. Sometimes as the antagonist you bug out and can't spawn again unless you restart the game...