Author Topic: Thoughts of an ex paragon player  (Read 1836 times)

PFC Calico

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Thoughts of an ex paragon player
on: September 27, 2017, 01:33:59 AM
Hey all,

I have only played about an hour of this game and even then only the f2p content.

some observations i have are as follows

the premise is excellent along with the execution (in general)
the graphics and lore are beautiful
the heroes all seem relatively 3d; not graphically but in a storytelling manner

the cover system is clunky in that if i am close to cover, i may not want to magically stick to cover, i feel a system like that of tom clancy's the division works well in that it is on button press that you enter cover but you can still use cover without sticking to it. This allows for more freedom of movement meaning that silly situations like being melee'd to death just because you got sucked in to some cover don't happen as frequently.

The game as it stands from what i have seen from the mission statement seems to be a bit shallow. You have created a world with a plethora of opportunity in lore and story development. Why not capitalise on this? my suggestion would be to create a single player experience with the option of drop in multiplayer similar to borderlands. you have a world that needs exploring and the restrictive tunnelling does not do it justice. to expand a little more on the multiplayer aspect, as well as a drop in/out option for the raiders, why not have it like dark souls where the antagonist can invade at any point? in an open world situation (all be it with loading screens like borderlands) stalking your prey as an antagonist would be fun i think and then have an antagonist ability to essentially call down air support and a detatchment of soldiers making it a small mini-dungeon affair.

I see so much potential but i share the concern of many players, i have been biten by the indie bug, both in a positive way; banished, northgard, mechwarrior online, paragon, eden star, but also in a negative way; castle story, clockwork empires, paragon "insert other failed indie game here". as gamers we love to be taken to new places and see new people that the real world cannot come close to, we also like to stomp our foes into the dirt hard because doing so in real life tends to put you in gaol.

I guess what i am trying to say in a waffle kinda way is dont make the mistakes of others like paragon who made a really awesome game but then did the following:

did not listen to player base
lost focus/vision of end product changing too regularly and without proper testing
shallow gameplay mechanics that did not maintain interest in long run
lack of new content (no i dont mean new heroes, i mean new maps, game modes, stories)

i dont even mind its not f2p for the whole title, but if you can categorically state that its not going to be just the satan spawn of a bad telltale series and evolve then i wish you all the best and will be spending soon,