Author Topic: The price for loadout slots.  (Read 1914 times)


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The price for loadout slots.
on: September 27, 2017, 02:20:11 AM
So I have gotten some weapons and cards for my favourite characters, one of them konstantin. After trying out his alternate minigun you can get in the prologue, I feel kinda iffy about it, and I want to be able to choose which gun to use from the character select screen.

So why in the world do loadout slots cost real money? This, added with the fact that I can't customize loadouts in the character select before a battle, makes me feel like I have to pre-prepare and stick to only one playstyle with each character instead of having options. I don't want shill out even more cash for a game feature that I feel should be open to all.

If the loadout slots cost a ridiculous amount of in-game gold, like 50000 or something like that, I would be more alright with it, it's another money sink and the loadouts would probably be used more for cards anyway. But requiring real money just to be able to have more choice during character select seems kinda weird and greedy to me.

Alternatively, let people customize the one loadout they do get in the character select, so they can make adjustments if need be. I know it'll pretty much make loadouts useless, so it's not the best solution, but I just can't bring myself to spend even more cash for a small, but crucial gameplay feature.