Agreed 100%, I was really hoping for modifications to unique weapon functions when Forge was announced. Fast lock on time for Shae, faster charge up for Harec, maybe explosion radius for Hans, etc.
It would also be cool to make this a slider with benefits on each side. Like base starts in the middle of a bar, being the default and balanced. For Hans you might slide up the explosion radius, at the cost of less damage, or smaller for more concentrated damage. Shae might have a slower charge to get more damage, or maybe even less pressure per shot instead of damage, depending on the weapon. Konstantin could take longer to spin up his weapon but it'll heat slower.
Of course it would need to be weapon dependent, since some characters have vastly different weapon functions like Hive and Ginebra.
*ahem* and it would be REALLY cool if this value could be adjusted without having to re-forge the whole weapon for 60,000 gold
Anyways more customization to make characters better for more people's play styles would be cool. Hope there is considerations to update the forge system as the game goes on, it's a great concept that I would just like to see expanded upon.