1. Unbalanced game vs. no game. Gotta get into a matchup eventually. But MMR is what dictates matches, not level. Level is also a scapegoat, more an indication of how many games played than anything. The passive stat bonuses are not as massive as you may be led to believe. A lvl 100 can still be 1-shot by a level 1 player, and no level difference will protect you from CQC. Think of combat as "how many shots must I land to wound or kill, or how many seconds will it take" rather than raw damage numbers.
2. lololol so in case you didn't know, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Their algorithms are very flawed for sure, but this suggestion, as a blanket statement, is terrible. Here's what it looks like with a good antag+strong AI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrbjvu8uiqo Also read this thread:
https://www.raidersofthebrokenplanet.com/community/index.php?topic=1455.0 With a weak antag that gives high level AI a boost in power, it can make the game unwinnable simply due to the AI. It bothers me WAY more to lose "to the map" as we say (because the antag is terrible and not even a threat at all, but the AI are juggernauts), than to lose to a skilled player, any day of the week.
3. Nope, all maps are fair game.
You think antags have an easy time on bosses, but antags lower boss health SO much that it can actually make bosses easier, if the raider team is able to divide their attention appropriately. Enemy Within and Beast Lair are easily 2 of the hardest maps to be antagonist on, and any skilled antag will probably agree with me.
4 & 5. This is pretty universally agreed upon. The key to making antag mode a good play option is to give rewards equal to or better than the raider mode, not to require it for basic functions... I'd like to see 10k+ gold/faction rewards, 100% blueprint drop chance, or even just giving us all of the rewards from the antag screen rather than making us pick 1. The current rewards are *awful* for the mode, no matter how good you do, you will NOT get more than 4k, so it's no secret as to why the mode isn't "popular".
I honestly enjoy playing antag mode a lot, even more than being a raider. But the *long* wait time coupled with bad rewards makes me opt for a 4-man squad that lets us play on demand. I'll take teamwork that gets me instant games and good rewards to fund my progress over long waits that might pair me with 800 ping matches for low rewards.