Author Topic: Two problems. One solution.  (Read 3368 times)


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Two problems. One solution.
on: June 18, 2018, 06:25:42 PM
Let's start with the problems.
High MMR enemies being too tough.
And high level players vs low level players.

Playing at high mmr can be excruciating difficult. Causing a lot of players to purposely drop their mmr and receive lower rewards.

High level players have an unfair advantage against low level players in the form of the passive skills. Making newer player's bullets and strikes feel like mosquitos. And on top of that they get extra damage against the newer players in the form of extra strike damage and upgrades guns.

The solution? Buff passive skills and only apply them to NPCs.
This will make playing at high mmr more manageable and offer a more rewarding experience for high level players.
And also take away some of the unfair advantages in PVP situations. Better game knowledge and higher level guns/cards should be the only advantage another player has over another. Leave melee alone to be the equalizer between high and low level players.


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Re: Two problems. One solution.
Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 06:36:14 PM
So if you've ever fought a low MMR raider group with strong players, you know that it is impossible to beat a team that is so powerful that they steamroll the few enemies that spawn. Enemy Within is a prime example because NOTHING spawns when you antag on it, and the acolytes that do spawn have a lifespawn of about 3 seconds before they die in a pitiful 150 damage or so. The solution is not as simple as simply applying passives towards NPC's-only, and I have provided some suggestions in this other thread:

Antagonists will need some kind of advantages as they get higher if Raiders will get stronger against the AI.


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Re: Two problems. One solution.
Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 06:44:46 PM
Yeah I've delt with that myself. For the record, I'm in favor of reworking antagonist spawn points into a cursor that moves around the map in a limited area. And giving them some kind of buff as well as increasing the rewards
For antag.
My philosophy behind the OP is that if stronger players can manage to play at high mmr, that  stronger players wont resort to dropping their mmr on purpose. so playing a high level game would be balanced more properly. Baby steps!