and it happens again...
on a gold BP =)
so fun ^^
we were on short fused, first mission of wardogs. (problems on wardag campaign again...)
sorry i do not have video this time.
there was an antag, our harec don't let him breath, so he was always dead. we had all our lives except if one had died by mistake against a monster but i don't think so.
we had finished the first part of the mission, we cut the animation scene, and the moment we came back on the second part, "failed mission" appeared. out of nowhere.
and then the result page showing the antag as winner. while this poor shae didn't even had time to fire is gun once...
and i can bet we were all 4 raiders
in front of our screen...
it already happens 1 or 2times before, with one time on this exact mission.
the other time i don't remember the mission but it was on wardogs campaign too.