Infected Zulaica AR-12(common).
Zulaica AR-12 heavy assault rifle. Favored by experienced soldiers , this rifle superior accuracy , reliability and high caliber makes a great choice for skilled marksman. Thanks to its heavy weight and powerful recoil it got nickname "mule".
HIVE infected this weapon using new strain of her daughters named P'hazi. They are very docile and timid but the more they eat , more aggressive and dangerous they become. After enough feeding they become extremely powerful but lose all their strength when Hive decided to replenish her health , requiring to repeat process of feeding , making their thirst for blood eternal.
How its working:
Rifle with good accuracy and burst fire mode.
More excess health Hive have , more damage it will deal(both bullet and leech)
When Hive use her ability , it will reset its damage modifier.
Clip: 20
Leech range:6m
Fire rate: 700-950 RPM
High accuracy , tight spread
Empty excess health:
Bullet 10x3=30 Crit 25x3=75
Leech 20 Crit 50
50% excess health:
Bullet 25x3=75 Crit 30x3=90
Leech 25 Crit 60
Full excess health:
Bullet 30x3=90 Crit 75x3 225
Leech 50 Crit 125
Reload time 3-4 seconds seconds
Damage stats are with max forge.
Forge stats:
Caliber , Lethal , Effective , Bounty Hunter
Caliber , Automatic , Lethal , Bounty Hunter
Caliber , Arsenal , Effective , Bounty Hunter
Here is another names if Zulaica dont sound great: Calzada , Bayo , Lombard , Astra , Gaztanaga , Llama , Labora , Fontbernat , Parinco , Ordonez , Alcotan.
Will add images in future.