All too often we hear about the weapons that are killing us, the weapons that are OP. The ones that need a nerf.
But let’s take a moment to talk the underdogs. The weapons that are outclassed by every other gun in that characters arsenal. The ones that make you say “I really wish I didn’t spend 36k on that blueprint”
Let’s start off with Konstantin’s o-Shtorm. Has the nickname “Shit shtorm” for reason. It does hit pretty hard with regular shots, but it has a big damage drop off at range and the spin up is long and it overheats quick. It’s crazy to me that this is supposed to be his high damage gun but is pretty evenly matched with tolchok in terms of damage, but tolchok has a gimmick with it that makes it far surperior. What I believe should be done, let the shtorm spin up faster, as well as shoot for a little bit longer without overheating. Kon’s Overheard card helps with this issue, but I believe most players will pick a gun they DONT have to dedicate one of their cards to use.
Next let’s talk about Hans’ Warm. It’s a cool gun! I like the AOE effect. But it can be nearly useless on npcs that move a lot and players who are smart enough to move out of the bubble. The solution? Add initial impact damage for when the shot first hits. Damage should be a little higher than the AOE but a little weaker than his other guns. I think this will make Warm far more viable in most situations, instead of just being a ‘Boss killer’
Last one I’m gonna talk about is Valeria’s Earthing. The damage feels right, but Earthing is completely outclassed by her other two guns for one reason. Ease of use. It can be too hard to hit the gate projectile sometimes and you end up missing your target. A couple ideas I have for this one, Slow down the projectile from the gate. As long as it’s moving fast enough that you can’t hit the same target twice, it shouldn’t be OP. But if you don’t want to do that, because it is her ‘quick gun’ after all. Increase the fire rate for her gun. Or the projectile speed from her gun. Any of these options should make earthing a little bit more usable.
That’s all I’ve thought up for now.
What do you guys think needs a little buff? Let’s talk about it! But let’s try to stay on topic and not talk about what needs a nerf in this thread. There’s plenty of threads for that