I suppose what I am trying to get across is that there is no system in place to stop the system from match making you with people you could have reported for being a toxic player.
Just tonight, my friend and I were paid with 1 person who ran straight to the end space for each phase and didn't help at all, 1 person who kept dying on purpose to make us run out of lives to throw the match because he didn't think we had a chance at winning and had already tried to vote to forfeit once and no one agreed with him, and 1 person who kept going afk and would come back and be completely unhelpful with objectives and then would disappear again. And we were paired with that last one twice in one night.
Players like this cost matches and ruin fun for other players, ruin the game experience, and there is no system discouraging them from doing these things as well as cheating or exploiting. A player has no way to mark another player as toxic and to no longer be paired with them during match making. You can gor through 10 matches in a night, get 3 toxic players in different matches, and you might get paired with some of them in multiple matches. You can't back out of a match after you see who you're playing with and no it is going to be a terrible time, and there's no way to stop that.
I hope that expresses another side of the issue I am trying to explain
I am sure plenty of other players run into these same issues and are just as frustrated about them.
Thanks again for reading and listening Laura!