Author Topic: My considerations  (Read 4886 times)


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My considerations
on: September 25, 2017, 07:01:44 PM
Hello everybody,

first things first. I really start loving this game and i personally think it has enormous potential for becoming a long runner. Dev team, nice job.
But as you may already imagined i do have some opinions on what could be improved.

This list is not prioritizing in its count up of the issues i have discovered.

1. matchmaking and system selections
generally i would not allow the cross platform matchmaking. i can only refer to my experience of the last 20 years of online gaming that this never has worked out in the favor of good gameplay, as console players not have much options of manipulation. PC users generally tend to bend the rules in their favor.
I have already noticed that in a mixed up team some of the PC players appeared multiple times in the roster. Why?
Furthermore the servers tend to priorotize PC players as host regardless their connection qualities.
I would suggest never to select the antagonist as host.

2. talking about the antagonist, i had a couple of matches where the antagonist left the game. So why not let us finish it without the coward, obviously we need to recieve the predicted rewards as if the antagonist would still be there.

3. player rating system post match, not existent.
we need one desperately, and you need to put up severe rules of punishment so people not rage quit or stay AFK at all. Missions are generally ruined when starting with 4 but ending up in 2 as the game does not adapt in difficulty.

4. more selections or better options in the in-game warning wheel.

5. controls need to be customizable

6. the vault. unclear a lot of positions. what is the price for locking a card? why is there a price for locking a card at all?

7. general cosiderations on in-game economics.
everything at a pretty high cost is not motivational at all. if this was supposed to be a grinding and farming game, than you have failed the content at all as your options to grind and farm are pretty low.

8. more explanation on the mechanics needed, such as information about card system need to be detailed. 20% improvement of something of which we dont know how much it is, is not really helpful. and what all of us want is a character and weapon spec sheet.  we need to know how many bullets our shotgun has and how much damage it does. we need to know how long we can float with alicia and whether we need to improve it by 110% or not, you get the point?

so that is it after 3 days of intense playing, will be back after office of course.
hope it is helpful.

so again, dev team, i have big hopes in you. the content and asymmetrical gameplay is excellent, what you need to do is get the essentials out of our considerations and get to work. keep it up.


Founder pack owner


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Re: My considerations
Reply #1 on: September 25, 2017, 09:08:07 PM
''Founder pack owner''
hows the player base on the first chapter?
I imagine its even harder to find players on the paid content.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #2 on: September 25, 2017, 09:18:54 PM
well at this point there are roundabout 50000 who made it into the umbra rankings.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #3 on: September 26, 2017, 01:31:33 PM
''Founder pack owner''
hows the player base on the first chapter?
I imagine its even harder to find players on the paid content.

I thought this would be an issue as well, and for the first day there was nothing but Prologue coming up on my matchmaking, but it's been fine since. It may be an issue in the future if the playerbase tapers off, but I've been getting many more Alien Myths missions than Prologue ones following the first few days of launch.

Matchmaking times overall seem to have greatly improved, though I imagine that might have a detrimental effect if you only have Prologue unlocked and more players are shifting over to the campaign content.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #4 on: September 26, 2017, 02:18:02 PM
Matchmaking is a big concern to me and one of the reason I didn't bought any pack yet.

That's why (I've posted another thread about it) I'd really want more game options like a 4 players co-op PvE (no antagonist) and the same rewards available whatever the mode (solo, 4p PvE, 4v1 PvP), to be sure that when I want to play and earn something, I can, even if no players can be found at the moment.
(and also, the ability to launch a public game without waiting, in which players could jump in while in progress)

Personally, I would buy it if I could be sure I can play whenever I want to and win the same rewards regardless of the mode (see Warframe matchmaking for reference)


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Re: My considerations
Reply #5 on: September 26, 2017, 02:59:08 PM
The additional rewards for having an antagonist should absolutely stay as they are, and giving you a bigger reward for not having a harder encounter makes no sense. Antagonists make the game much more dynamic and fun. The reward received for a normal game which takes half as long without a good antagonist is fine as it is. You still received most of the point rewards, and it seems like the blueprint drops are about as frequent as well.

I don't understand your repeated requests for solo missions to give rewards, you can play on tougher difficulties for gold, but the focus of the game is the online component and that's where you're supposed to be playing. A lot of online games don't even offer single player options, but the solo option is there for the story and mission unlocks if you need them. If you want to farm Gold in single player, it would be alright with the 1.5k difficulty increment rewards being repeatable (e.g. 3k Gold for Medium). Gold is an important resource in the game, and it's nice to have the option to do easier, solo content for some reward if you prefer, but that's not where the game's focus is. Running those missions solo over and over for the same rewards as multiplayer would be mind-numbing and cheap.

Also, as I mentioned, matchmaking is quick with the campaign unlocked, I can't speak for those of you who only have access to the single mission though. This is worth bringing up though because there is some kind of fundamental flaw with the way matchmaking functions. Lobbies should be created much quicker than they are, and queuing as a group of three or four leads to longer queue times a lot of the time. It's vastly improved since launch, and I don't end up waiting more than 5 minutes for a match with friends now, but it can vary and sometimes the queues do take much longer than they should.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #6 on: September 26, 2017, 03:17:50 PM
Currently, rewards in solo can only be won once per difficulty.

And bigger rewards for harder content is obvious, but bigger doesn't necessary mean exclusive.
It could be more gold / points + better chance for blueprints.

I (we ?) am "repeadly" asking for a real solo mode because I already experienced investing in games which didn't last long, and so, I won't put money anymore in multi only games since they could be off in a week.
And their "fun" relies too much on your teamates / opponents (aparently you play with friends, but I don't, or may not want to all the times)

And also, I'm not asking to change the modes for those who like it, I'm asking to add options for those who don't.

The universe and characters seem really nice and interesting but strange for a multi only game.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #7 on: September 26, 2017, 03:29:01 PM
I play predominantly solo, though the game is more fun with friends. I think your perception of what this game is is the problem here though. This is primarily a co-op game with asymmetric PvP. You wouldn't go into Evolve expecting a solid single player experience, or longevity, not that I would compare the two games. Evolve was an utter failure, and had absolutely no story to speak of.

You're paying $10 for an entry level campaign that lasts about 2 hours at most, with it's multiplayer component and character growth systems providing the longevity. Why would you want to play the campaign over and over ad nauseum in single player? I mean, the campaign is good, but nothing with a narrative focus stacks up to repeated, constant replays. If you're looking to farm upgrades in single player to take into multiplayer for some kind of advantage, the game doesn't provide a large advantage to players who have unlocked everything. Just some interesting weapon variations that could change the style of play, and a choice of minimal skill augmentations.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #8 on: September 26, 2017, 03:46:01 PM
I think I understand what the game "currently" is, and your example of Evolve is precisely what I meant.

Tried it, didn't like it, wasn't going to change so uninstalled it.
Apparently, I wasn't alone since it failed.

If it had a "solid single player experience", maybe (?), it could have been different.

Raiders is also a new experience, multi only, asymmetric PvP, but this time, the lore seems deeper than Evolve, with factions in play, stories behind characters, and so on.
Everything is there to also be a solid solo adventure.

"Why would you want to play the campaign over and over ad nauseum in single player?"

I think here is your perception that is wrong.

I'm not wanting to play in single mode only, but have choice.

If I want to try a new character ? -> solo
If I want to play now and the matchmaking doesn't find anyone ? -> solo
If I'm with a group ? -> multi
If I just want to go easy and look at the environment ? -> solo

That's it.
Not asking to change what it is, but add options so everyone can play with people who actually want to be there, and don't feel forced to it.


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Re: My considerations
Reply #9 on: September 26, 2017, 04:55:29 PM
But you can still do all of those things without cheapening the economy of the game? That said, I still think you should earn gold for repeated single player runs, as I said above.