Sorry for bad eng.
I know yuo already know that antogonist and matchmaking gona be fixe but, there is neve to much feedback.
So i just finished a game as a riders and during mission 2 raiders disconect and i (played as Kezmann) And another guy (Konstantin) Left 2 vs 1 aagains Lycus. And problem it this. It was still easy. We win the match we lost i thin only 8 lives at max.
Well it is i gues couze i and constatine had a bigger rank and more expirience and lycus was a new player. And here is like 2 problem in 1.
1st PVP still inbalanced if PVP targeted at 4vs1 and in situation like our it is 2vs1 and we still win easily it say something, also this means that matchmaking is broken couze guy who just download a game(this was a prologue mission) who even didnt know how to play will dopped against 2 raiders with a lot more expirience.
I dont say that i am a pro i am a noob but i at least knew how melee works.
Also 3rd problem at the end of a mission we get lower score becouse only 2 of 4 raiders evacuated, as i said 2 other raider logged of.