Author Topic: Positive Experiences  (Read 5711 times)

The Wanderlust

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Positive Experiences
on: December 04, 2017, 03:00:44 AM
I wasn't sure where else to put this, or if it even needed writing, but I wanted to take a quick space to mention some good things.

I want to open up by saying that this game has been a very pleasant surprise to me and a couple of my buddies. One of us had found it randomly listed somewhere and we decided to give it a shot, and I am very glad we did.

When we first started out, I was afraid that there would be a lot of toxic behavior in-game due to the nature of the Antagonist system, but I am delighted to say that even the most vicious of our enemies have been quite pleasant and gracious about both victories and defeats.

I have had the esteemed pleasure of battling some amazing Antagonists on the XBox One version of the game, including Top Ten Antag's Darth, aleef, and Dagg. I have had unexpectedly happy interactions with a couple forum members like Blood Neko (keep up the work with the videos!). Above all, I have greatly enjoyed the variety of gameplay elements, character options, and extensive lore and dialogue.

I won't pretend that everything is 100% perfect, including popular forum issues such as long wait times, economy balancing/skin costs, and crashes. Regardless of these I think the soul of this game is strong and I would love to see its future continue. I hope there are enough others out there and in here that are still able to enjoy the game and work with or around the rougher edges.

Thank you to the developers for making this game, the community managers for serving as our ambassadors, and to the players I've interacted with for a unique and all-around fun time here on the Broken Planet. Cheers!  :)

Power Penguin

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Re: Positive Experiences
Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 03:11:07 AM
It's nice to have a little positivity in the forums. I still think that they can turn the ship around on a lot of the issues plaguing the game right now. I'm gonna give em till the next campaign launch and see how they go from there. But they do need to get better at releasing content even little things like emotes and skins(reasonably priced of course) to keep people playing.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 03:12:57 AM by Power Penguin »


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Re: Positive Experiences
Reply #2 on: December 04, 2017, 06:40:39 AM
This was a wonderful post! What I would like to add is that all new IP's have their problems, even non-new games have their faults, just look all the battlefield games launch. XD

But what keep games alive is just not the developers, not just the consumers, but the community and the family as a whole, together as Fans of this wonderful game both developer and consumer.

I have seen the other side on developers end and what they have to do (NOT this game, but I have worked with others) and it is hard to fix bugs, add content, balance the gameplay; while, keeping your consumers happy, your investors happy, stay on scheduled, and update on time when it takes 3-4 weeks to apply a patch on ps4 and xb1. From what I've see from MercurySteam, they are listening to us and doing what feel is the best for there game; but, it is also up to us to help grow this community. We can do this by recommending it to a friend (Eternal Soldier is free), setting-up meets on the forms, creating content, giving feedback, and staying the positive group we are!   
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 09:59:48 AM by BloodNekoKiux »


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Re: Positive Experiences
Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 01:12:38 PM
Hi guys!

Thank you ver much for this post! We know there are things we need to improve, but as you say, it's something that takes its time and we have some limitations. We are here because of your love and support and we really appreciate this little things more than you think, it motivates us.

So thank you very much!! We'll keep working hard and listening to you.



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Re: Positive Experiences
Reply #4 on: January 18, 2018, 09:03:09 PM
Very well written and I hope you continue to enjoy the game with your friends!