This is My Idea.
Removing the frustration with rewards making available always 4 options.
Allowing at least 2 ways to acquire stuff.
1º With ramdom mission rewards.
2º Buying straight with game currencies. (Gold, Stigmas, Faction, Character, MercuryPoints).
(Rare Cards are included in the Ramdom Reward Slot minor probability of appearance)
This increase the probability that at least 1 player don't have the "ramdom" reward and take it. And in case that 2 or more players want the same reward they can use other option instead, taking currency to buy it.
The competition for rewards is not removed, because rare cards can appear, and blueprints too. If you want a rare card, you can buy it for a higher price.
The blueprints will keep not appearing, but you have always something to take.
Everyone Happy!
With the amount of Cards the "demand" of Faction / Character points is huge! but gives the player the feeling of instant progress.
Almost each mission you do, you have a ramdom reward, but you don't need to compete to take it, because you can buy it instead.
There are hundres of cards in the game, so the combinations are huge, each mision gives a feeling of progress.
Remove the shuffle card deck option -- change it for a card deck collection.
Why include Stigmas.
1º Some players don't like to play as antagonist.
2º Compensate the loses of bad matches as antagonist.
3º Allow to buy Stuff with a requirement of a number of stigmas instead of Antagonist Rank.
4º allow to change stigmas for other currencies, gold, character, faction, points.
5º No need to wait a whole week for building a weapon.
to build a weapon you need 10 stigmas + gold for example, if you don't like to play antagonist, just take, stigmas from ramdom rewards.
The stigmas reward should be an equivalent of an Antagonist match. This can be represented with a ramdom number between (1-10) numbers 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 should have less probability of appearance, representing extremely bad antagonist matches and extremely good antagonist matches. numbers 4,5,6,7 should have a higher probability of presence representing the avarage antagonist match reward.
This is going to need.
1º More voice acting from Cortez.
2º Removing all the normal cards from players inventories. Or just add the new system with the new Cards that are going to be included.
3º Rare Cards adquired already by players should remain in their inventories.
Cortez only have this 2 sentences "Lucky lucky a weapon bluprint" or "No luck this time", should be added "Sentence for Cards, Stigmas... and every reward available".
How to balance this:
Random rewards probability of appearance:
1º A random number of stigmas.
2º Normal Faction / character cards.
3º Rare Faction / Character cards.
4º Weapon Blueprints (the same appearance ratio as now)
5º Lotery ramdom rewards. every 10.000 matches a loadout, skin appears ( Crazy idea)