I'm a gen-Xer gamer so I grew up purchasing games and owning them and playing them for years, like books, you go back and pull out a game form the shelf (Like FF Tactics, Enclave or Halo 2) and play it years later. Now I REALLY like this game so I'm wondering what the future of this game will be.
I'm not sure if anyone here has heard, Gigantic, a hero shooter 3rd person MOBA just died. Now it was a free game, but anyone who liked the game cannot go and play it. Since it's online only it's gone.
That got me thinking of other games I get that I enjoy. Evolve is dead, but I can go back and play offline campaign mode just fine, and it's a complete experience, albeit against AI, but all of your earned items are yours and you can use them. For RotBP you have nothing until you connect with Mercurysteam servers and then you have all of your earned items.
Years from now, when I go back and show friends or sit down and play some RotBP will I have all the things I earned in the game? Even if the servers are offline? I would like to think, that at the very least 3, 5 or even 10 years from now I can still play this game solo mode with all the things I earned.