Author Topic: Antagging is currently dead  (Read 19851 times)


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #30 on: January 31, 2019, 12:44:12 AM
Well antags can go back to relying 100% on the ai, seems it was buffed 2 fold, now there is no difference between spawn rate when there’s an antag, and there is no difference to mob hp/damage, now it’s basically the difficulty of a regular pve match, with the added antag.

Isn’t this a great way of releasing a new raider, having ppl possibly come back to the game, needing the new bp’s but then wasting their time with antags, so they go back to dismissing the game…

Not to mention more weapon nerfs. Off the top of my head, shy (seriously??? Again!!!), wisdom, shit happens, R&R, any more that are in need of being thrown into the unusable pile after the rounds of nerfs from the last months? Funnily enough I believe tolchock is still standing…


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #31 on: January 31, 2019, 02:23:31 AM
Shy nerfed for the 5th out of 6 updates in a row.

But yup, Tolchok, still king of cheese. It's apparently un-nerfable. As soon as MSE tries to push the nerf button, they just get pushed away!

Anyways I will be trying the new update when i get home


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #32 on: January 31, 2019, 06:22:33 AM
Aneska is awful as antag

I still see maps completely devoid of all life forms with 4 raiders huddled together.

I am getting matches up to 20% MMR below me. Guardian on breath of hope died before I could even spawn in, despite not being dead

Yeah I think your idea of "being carried by the AI" is a bit wrong


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #33 on: January 31, 2019, 07:15:44 AM
@LordDraco3 Idk what to tell you, maybe we are just at very opposite extremes of the spectrum and the game is fucking us both, I lost gold bp’s for aneska to antags that had loads of help and have also noticed them getting a lot of help on other matches, and unlike before there doesn’t seem to be a difference in hp/damage of the mobs.

Antags are a pain, but since I had all bp’s I often forget how much more of a pain they can be when they literally set you back 8+h from progressing, it is beyond retarded and unreasonable, and takes the issues of forced pvp to a whole new lvl, it quite literally ruins the game.


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #34 on: January 31, 2019, 10:02:28 PM
I lost 2 or 3 games before winning one as Aneska last night, you can see for yourself that several times there are NO grunts on the map.

I only wound up winning thanks to luck and just correctly guessing CQC. I had a little bit of order support to help push Schneider into a roll, but look at how often I died due to being dogpiled by 2-4 raiders, vs. how many times I was able to kill anyone because AI was supporting me.

Ionizer is awful damage, and the low rate of fire and the mechanics that REQUIRE landing multiple shots makes it a non-viable antag gun.

I won 2 more antag games last night, but only by picking Hans. All other games I played with Aneska, I lost.

Righteous Flame

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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #35 on: February 03, 2019, 07:31:45 PM
Easiest method to fix all this is as follows:

1) Reverse the training mode.  Training mode will now have two stars.  Each star can be removed by beating it in training mode on any difficulty  The first star will unlock PVE mode and the second star will unlock PVP mode.  By doing this, new Raiders will have SOME idea of what they're supposed to be doing on a map.

2) Create two modes of online play.  The first will be PVE mode.  In this mode, there are no antagonists BUT there are no extra rewards (This means no blueprints, exp boosts, or extra gold/faction) and the normal rewards are halved.  The second will be PVP mode.  Rewards are at full with all extra rewards enabled but antagonists are also enabled.  This allows people to have the option of antag-free matchs while still creating a high incentive for people to play against antags.

3) Dump the "multiple match" win requirement for rare blueprints.  I don't intentionally go for blueprints myself but I can see that as really annoying.  Instead, for both XP boosts and rares, place a score requirement of 8 or 9 to get the blueprint.


Also, a tip for both raiders and antags.

Raiders:  I just got 9.0 as Antag Alicia on the Marmalade mission.  At various points, I was practically shouting at the screen "COVER EACH OTHER!!!"  If you see one of your teammates limping, race over to them and cover.  If an antag is on the loose, buddy system.  Unless you're playing against an anti-cluster antag like Kuzmann, you should stick close.  1 antag vs 2-4 raiders = antag punching bag.

Antags: Up until recently, I haven't played that much antag but I've come to the conclusion that suicide is a strategy.  If they're trying to load a Lyre Sphere/generator/etc with aleph, then don't let yourself get a full 5-count.  As soon as you do, cliff jump.  It removes the aleph from play and forces them to gather it again.  (Alternatively, Huey doesn't seem to understand that killing an aleph-filled antag both wastes the aleph and endangers the raiders.)  Suicide Loaht is also an excellent strategy for maps where the raiders have to cluster.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 12:12:52 AM by Righteous Flame »


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #36 on: February 04, 2019, 01:45:00 AM
I like where you're going. But, no bp's in pve? The biggest problem with antags is that juggernauts come in and ruin win streaks for rares.

Righteous Flame

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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #37 on: February 04, 2019, 02:07:39 PM
I like where you're going. But, no bp's in pve? The biggest problem with antags is that juggernauts come in and ruin win streaks for rares.

If all you're playing is PVE, you really don't need BPs to win.  Further, as Karen and other MSEs have said, they really want people to do the 4 vs 1.  As such, BPs would be one of the ways to get people to play PVP.

The Juggernaut thing is one of the reasons why I propose dumping the win streak in favor of score.  Even without that, I can imagine how irritating it is to only queue for one scenario and just sit and wait for a new match instead of queuing for all of them. 

I myself queue for the gold for the first minute and then for all of them afterwards and I only wait a couple minutes.  (Basically.  My queue behavior is a little more complicated but those are the basics.)  I imagine, if I were queuing for a single scenario, I'd have the half-hour wait times that others complain about.


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #38 on: February 04, 2019, 04:07:39 PM
I like where you're going. But, no bp's in pve? The biggest problem with antags is that juggernauts come in and ruin win streaks for rares.

If all you're playing is PVE, you really don't need BPs to win.  Further, as Karen and other MSEs have said, they really want people to do the 4 vs 1.  As such, BPs would be one of the ways to get people to play PVP.
Try running any mission at 70%+ mmr with forge lv 0 weapons and let me know how that goes. Imo pve does require blueprints or enemies will eat up all your shots.


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Re: Antagging is currently dead
Reply #39 on: February 05, 2019, 05:08:13 AM
Antagging is the only way I have fun. It's to easy otherwise it's much more rewarding winning an antagonist game.