Author Topic: Can we have a new game mode?  (Read 5326 times)


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Can we have a new game mode?
on: January 15, 2019, 04:22:36 PM
I’ve been playing spacelords for a while is a fun game and is pretty addictive, but I already played all the missions and is getting very repetitive every mission, and I bet I’m not the only player that wishes there was another game mode, maybe a full PvP game mode 4v4, or a escort the parlor or something where players have to activate something maybe a portal or steal something one team attacking and the other defending, something that can get gamers playing the game for hours, an arcade mode, where we can spend hours and hours in the game without getting tired of the same missions every time, is just a suggestion idk what the community thinks about this is my opinion is just think this would make it more enjoyable


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Re: Can we have a new game mode?
Reply #1 on: January 21, 2019, 09:19:32 AM
before  say much I just want to note this is a topic meant more for the Suggestions sections (not trying to nitpick).

You make a valid point and man I would love to see that too. The monotony  of putting Aleph in one thing to shoot at the other thing is a bit stale but not entirely without variation. Each level though similar in a lot of ways is entirely unique from the rest. The one constant being the use of Aleph in one shape or another.
But things like minigames that could be placed in the Raiders hideout.
Solo missions
or anything that has nothing to do with Aleph would be more fresh air than what was already being given steadily over time.


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Re: Can we have a new game mode?
Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 08:12:28 PM
And escort mode or steal the flag are already in the campaign.
A PvP mode don't look like possible in this game. The gameplay and level up will cause many problem.
The mode campaign is just perfect because every mission ask the gamer to do something different.
If you begin to find the game boring maybe you should take a break and come back later.