First, sorry for my bad english
Hi. I, just wanna do a follow up to this post.
I have to say i never had problems with the crit, and with only 4% crit chance (the weapon base crit i think) my weapon crit fairly often (as i show on my screenshot above, second reply of the post).
Ok, so, y rebuilt the weapon last night and raise the critic chance to 10% and as i espected i do more critical shots.

In this video you can see i do a total of 28 critical hits in 16 min. use this cards who i roll and lock before the last major update.
Estoicismo "stoicism (google translated)".


So, i guess what is left is wait for the people affected of the "no crit bug" to try this cards (if they can) and see if they can crit, if not, well that may mean the problem is located on theirs accounts.
Or maybe not. Maybe they have see the problem solved but just dont tell the devs the problem is solved.
Or everyone know the problem is now patched and i don't know it because was announced on discord and i, who dont use it, dont notice it.

Oh, TheBrentWoody, here is a screenshot of a double crit i mention before:

Actually you can see two double crit hit on minute 13:48 and 13:50 of the video.
Either way i hope this response is helpfull for someone