I have xperienced 2 resets tonight. First one was to start all over again, which Iwas happy too and was got back all the blue coins that I spent on thebgam as well...no big deal. Now the 2nd reset I get everything back and missing gold, blue coins and skins! Not to mention resetting at level 12 when I was a level 168!!!! This is now a problem!!!!! Either RESET EVERYONE or make sure everyone has what they are suppose to have/be at....aka lvl, gold, blue coins, skins, etc. Especially for those of us who have spenta lot of money for somehing being called "free". I do not mean to come off harshly, however, pls understand where I am coming from. Either RESET everyone and make sure they are re-embursed and compensated or or make sure everything is exactly where everyone and their game lvl and characters.
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