This game has basically become unplayable for me. I'd say a good 75% of the matches I have had in the past month have had some sort of technical hiccup due to the terrible Peer-to-Peer system. I know it costs money, but you'll straight up lose players like me that just cant stomach being teleported off the map, moving in slow motion, getting caught in a dejavu loop for 1 minute, or having the boss' life reset when host switches...every...single...match. For the love of god, the last match i had the host changed 3 times!!!! I was basically disconnected for 60% of the match...but didnt want to leave due to the stupid soft-ban you put on players. I thought For Honor was bad on launch...but my god this game has some of the worst lag ive ever seen in a game.
This will be my last complaint post, since it feels like im just yelling into a limitless void. If the lag remains as debilitating as its always been...I give up, im finding another game to play.