Skyline, at least in the old system it was ACTUALLY POSSIBLE for me to GET a common BP. I just logged in now, and I logged back out. guess why buddy? No reason to play, there was no common BP.. AGAIN, for the what...3rd week in a row? I have a lot of gold, but nothing to spend it on. Sure I have BP I could build...of shit weapons I will never EVER use. apparently Tier 1 is the shittiest tier. I saw Ayana Kewna's new weapon, but who cares, I'm tier 1, it won't show up for me. I want Earthing for Valeria, but I'm tier 1, will never see it. Maybe it will pop up when I'm at work? Maybe I did get the chance but I wasn't available to know or get it because of the stupid timer system?
So I log on, then I check, then I log off. That's what the game is now. I don't need gold, faction is a throw away gring now and so I am now nurnt out from shuffling with no success only to have to go back and build 4800 point again then throw it away again, and again, and again. So I no longer care about faction, it just isn't a feasible goal to expect progress in anymore. So I don't care about faction or gold, can't get common BP... why play? This is, objectionably, a rewardless system. I am not rewarded at ALLL for playing. Unless a hero drops, then I could buy them with my gold? But really what for? I'm not going to be able to card them or get their common weapons, so who cares.