More and more I keep asking myself at the end of the mission "man i wonder how good I did compared to my fellow Raiders." I mean not in those exact words but you know what I mean.
I believe what Mercury should do in Spacelords is at the end of the Match you get a Panel showing a scoreboard show player stats in that mission.
* Deaths
* Elites killed
* Grunts Killed
* Antagonist Killed
* Time spent with 5 Aleph
* Headshots
* Melee Kills
* Grapple kills
* Revenge Kills
* Accuracy (How many shots you missed)
* Damage Dealt
* Damage Taken
* Total Kills
* Ammo Received
* Time Spent under Cover
* Time Dodged
* Times killed by an Antagonist
I mean the possibilities in regards to this are Endless.
As it stands the only evaluation we get is only the Amount of Deaths, Time Taken, Difficulty level and something else. And same goes for an Antagonist just in reverse.
This could simply be for the pleasure of knowing how well you did and nothing else, Or it could determine not only how well the group did but how great of a reward the Individual receives. This encourages the player to put real effort into cementing there skills on the field and hopefully see where they were weakest and focusing on that next time.
Its all too often when I see the match result for any given mission I think, how Accurate is this?
What do you Think?