Author Topic: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)  (Read 13680 times)


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T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
on: September 05, 2018, 03:59:28 AM
I'm afraid since discord appears to be ignored on this, that I must start making a new thread every day a reset occurs where a common blueprint does not show up for those of us in Tier 1.

Almost every veteran I know has only seen 1 common blueprint since the spacelords update, and that was the very DAY of the update. I hear there have been 2, at the most, but most players probably missed that 2nd one.


Please adjust whatever formula is being used to generate rotational rewards, MSE. My recommendations are:

1. Set the values for rewards to be a minimum of 1 per rotation, for both common and rare blueprints. Something like:
Common [1-3]
Rare [1-2]
Gold Very High [2-4]
Faction Very High [1-3]
XP boosters [0-1]
These numbers are just suggestions of course, but veterans agree that the blueprint situation is currently ludicrous. Many of us log on, see there is no blueprint to be had, and log back off.

2. adjust values for how often rewards rotate. Make them much shorter, like 2 hours, so we can see more rotations, or just have everyone rotate 24 hours with a significant boost to mission rewards. 8 hour rotations cause some of us to only see 1 rotation per day, such as myself, due to the times the resets occur. 7PM-3AM CST is the only rotation I get to see on most days, literally happening when i get off work, and then again after i should already be sleeping.

3. Do NOT remove normal mission rewards on missions that are given one-time rewards. Currently, any mission that gets a 1-time reward then barely gives anything for subsequent completions, which HIGHLY discourages us from playing that map again until a rotation occurs.

4. Remove currently held blueprints (Duplicates) from the possible blueprint drop pool when finishing a mission that rewards blueprints. There are already several complaints of players getting a crazy amount of consecutive duplicate blueprints instead of the other blueprint within that drop table. Posts like getting Granny 7 times in a row, instead of Barrier. Alternatively, allow duplicate blueprints to give a large sum of gold if acquired. Currently, duplicates are just wasted rewards. If they at least did something, I'm sure players would be a lot less upset at getting the same weapon they have no need for 7 times in a row, but ultimately I believe removing those from the drop pool will be a better option.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 07:33:44 AM by LordDraco3 »


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 13)
Reply #1 on: September 05, 2018, 08:38:27 AM
I think I saw a tip in Spacelords's loading screen that said something the lines of "UNDEFEATED matches on the same map will grant you greater rewards " or something (I'm unsure since I briefly saw that tip) . However , if this is the case , lowering/removing a portion of the rewards on missions with one-time rewards/blueprints , then it is definitely a drag and rather discouraging to acknowledge .


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 14)
Reply #2 on: September 06, 2018, 03:18:43 AM
bump for day 14.

Heard one showed up at 3AM-11AM rotation, beautiful :|


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 14)
Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 08:08:32 AM

Ditto what he said and bump.  But I have been LITERALLY throwing away faction on garbage cards. And it takes for ever to get 4.8k with an average of 1.2k a game.


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 14)
Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 09:31:05 AM
Hello again, was absent for quite a few days, but yesterday I saw an update was released for PS4 (v1.27), so I fired up the game. I wondered if MSE finally changed somthing on the reward system, and voilà I saw my first blue common blueprint on the mission grid and was happy to receive it (NO DUPLICATE , although it was the only bp missing for that character!!!).

I don't know if this was just a happy coincidence (could not find any changelog info for this new version), but if not, then thanks a lot. Let's see how this continues.
What I also noticed - nice price for the new Dr. Kuzmann skin!


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 14)
Reply #5 on: September 06, 2018, 12:32:16 PM
2 common bp mission since Spacelords relese.
The patient hunter gets the prey ?


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 16)
Reply #6 on: September 07, 2018, 04:39:08 AM
Bump for day 16- still no common blueprint


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 16)
Reply #7 on: September 07, 2018, 12:10:29 PM
Bump for day 16- still no common blueprint
The recent patch gives blueprints exclusively on wins . Still , we haven't seen an increase in blueprint rewards from each rotation . Plus , that +10% gold doesn't mean that much when the one-time gold rewards don't have nearly as much value as the faction point ones .


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #8 on: September 08, 2018, 07:34:06 AM
bump day 17

New ayana gun. It's common. Impossible to get it :|


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #9 on: September 08, 2018, 01:44:21 PM
I think I saw a tip in Spacelords's loading screen that said something the lines of "UNDEFEATED matches on the same map will grant you greater rewards " or something (I'm unsure since I briefly saw that tip) . However , if this is the case , lowering/removing a portion of the rewards on missions with one-time rewards/blueprints , then it is definitely a drag and rather discouraging to acknowledge .
Update : I re-read that tip and it said something among the likes of : "The UNDEFEATED counter may appear in some levels . It can be obtained through consecutive victories in a level and grants special rewards ." .
Still , I urge anyone to correct me if I'm wrong on this . Thanks .
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 01:46:37 PM by BlaZeMaN »


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #10 on: September 08, 2018, 01:46:23 PM
I'm having the same issue :(. Not a single common blueprint in weeks. I hope they can fix this soon.


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #11 on: September 08, 2018, 08:27:28 PM
So what exactly is the benefit of higher tier ? Im at T2 right now and is worst than T3 because I get 0% exp from the eaquilibium.


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #12 on: September 08, 2018, 09:34:27 PM
it just groups you based on level. I don't know if my numbers here are right, but I think 0-39 is a tier, 40-79, 80-100, and 100+ should be all of them. Higher level tiers have their rotational rewards change faster, going from 24 hours, to 12, to 8 hours at the highest.

But why would I care about this when 8 hours is still incredibly long, and I have to work and sleep like a normal human being, so I miss 2 of my 3 rotations almost every day because they rotate at the same time every day :(

This low level's rotational rewards look much more numerous than mine.

I'd rather be on 24 hours with a bunch of rewards, than be on the rotation I currently am.... or they need to enact some of my suggestions above.

All I know is that ever since the update, common blueprints DO NOT EXIST IN THIS GAME so I have logged on, saw they weren't there, and just log off. I would like to play antag or something but any time I queue up for that I sit for 20 minutes, get tired of it, and just go play something else. My friends who are some of the top veterans in the community no longer play because of the rotational reward changes. We just hear "no bp" and do something else.

I would appreciate some kind of acknowledgement of this issue from MSE, eventually, since this update has hit veterans pretty hard. You know we like to play a *lot* but why would any veteran care about a new weapon update when we have no chance of getting the new weapon? I still don't have Earthing or Little Girl because no blueprint missions have shown up, and now there's Versatile added to that list. It's not for lack of trying, the game just simply is not providing the rewards to keep up with play demand. RNG in determining the drop tables is not an OK excuse for this.

Do I have everything built? No, I could farm for gold still, and I still love playing antagonist. But the rewards have driven off everyone I play with, and antag still takes way too long to queue at 55+ MMR.


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #13 on: September 08, 2018, 10:39:50 PM
I have around 50 mmr and i constantly get level 1-5 players and more often than not i get invaded with these players by a 25-30 mmr antagonist. When in a group around my level i get no antagonist. This makes no sense.


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Re: T1- Still no common blueprints (Spacelords Day 17)
Reply #14 on: September 09, 2018, 02:46:07 AM
Well on DAY 18 a blueprint finally came. I got Earthing.

But Woody and Kittyn both got duplicate BP's for crap they didn't need. Woody only needs the Versatile, and Kittyn has been looking for Javelin for 3 months.

Here's to another 20 days before we get another blueprint!

(I am still hoping for a response)