I’d absolutely love, love, LOVE! To see some holiday events in Spacelords. With some limited availibility content like skins, weapon blueprints, or possibly even missions to give said blueprints?
For skins, a Grim reaper Doldren skin would be super dope for Halloween.
If we got “Santa Rak” where he kept his bugs in a sack, I’d buy it a heartbeat.
I think if reasonably priced, holiday skins would drive your sales.
Holiday Weapon blueprints would be super cool too. Give them their own rarity color and have them pop up once per reward refresh during the event time. Although, I think it’d be best if they were cosmetic reskins of weapons that already exist, but allow us to build them separately. You could make Alicia’s Novera shoot like firecrackers for New Years.
Ayana could have a Christmas magnet so she drops exploding gifts in place of mines.
Or for Valeria, (this might be too elaborate but sounds dope) have a re-skin or little girl for Halloween that could turn her gate red and demonic looking, and fire out a giant flaming skull. Maybe even some sort of dark summoner skin to go with it?
It’d be fun to have some sort of goofy one off missions for holidays too. Like a Christmas mission where the wardogs stole the toys for the children of the broken planet. Tie this in with the blueprint idea, and offer the holiday blueprint chance once every reward refresh.
Overall, I think holiday events would be a fantastic addition to the game. It would draw sales for skins, and get the community playing at the same time and improve our queue times for a week.
I’d love to hear what other ideas for holiday content the community has. Share them!