@MSE_Tenka: simple math: a mission can't be balanced with AND without an antagonist, that's why this system is broken and players like me are waiting for an option to turn it off.
In this topic, if the protector has enough shield for average AIs, it will be shot down in 1 or 2 shots with a good antagonist (current state)
Or if the shield could resist it, then the mission without an antagonist would be far too easy for raiders.
The problem is all over the game: you can't be sure of the context of the missions: with/without antagonist + if one, low or high lvl + with beginners (mentor match) with 1-4 players like that, and so on ...
For all this frustration, I've stopped playing the game for now, waiting for an option to turn off antagonist (if I don't play with friends but in public matches) and turn off mentor matches (while I do my dailies).
This game had so much wasted potential, it's a shame ...