Be Nice guyz; Best Aneska player in a world here (Don't judge me just deal with it

-Atlas selfdmg bcs teammate So OP.
-If u target by wardogs hunt-U cant kill em when they close bcs your atlas kill you first...very much it is not convenient.
-You cant kill Hades regular on 60+mmr even with 3 direct shot.
-"Bullet" velocity so slow for killing running mobs.
-Range so bad for many content.
-Borbadment (alt fire) Nice cc but crap damage and self cc and damage as well-hard to use in "danger situatuions"
-Disrespect creator of this gun-why reloading animation 1/1 Ginebra's Bogen?
Ionizer it is more universal and more or less balanced except for the moment that sometimes when firing at the ionized opponent there no bonus damage. Mech Ionizing work a bit strange as well.
Alternate fire Void zone become area of damage not always...i not use this weapon only bcs totaly random and cant controll "course of war".
Invicta: Just ignore dat crap, there is no chance realize it well.
Sometimes conceived it will turn out but it do not cost that.
Even on 5% of mmr the player has no so much time to realize this stupid mechanics,-this weapon need full rework ,no reason buff/nerf this gun like add 100500% damage ,-anyway dat be a crap. Plus Ginebra alrdy have ricochet gun.
But Aneska have second biggest boobs in a game so ... Play hard,play well