Author Topic: Vote to Kick Feature  (Read 6430 times)


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Vote to Kick Feature
on: June 24, 2019, 08:59:37 PM
Now I am usually strongly against vote to kick features in any game. As a person who played Left 4 Dead a lot I often came across a group of 3 that would vote to kick a player just to have an AI as a teammate. However I believe it would be a good feature for people who are toxic and overall just not helpful. I don't mean if you have a low tier player who is just bad either. That it is understandable because they are new they are just learning the game and frankly this game is a challenge for newer players as it is.

The reason I ask for this feature is due to a player I just experienced on Xbox one by the name of "da49060" on the mission "In med res". The player being a tier 1 as Mikah decided to vote to surrender for no reason, we were doing well having 14 out of 16 lives. Da49060 then kept jumping off the ledge wasting our lives causing us to lose the mission. This was after a line of missions were we had antagonist as well so it was a relief to have a calm relaxing missions and then just got it taken away from some toxic player throwing the game.

I messaged the player politely asking him to stop at first then slowly getting more annoyed with it, ill admit it, and his reasoning on why he was doing this was "I have things to do in real life". I then asked why doesn't he just leave in which he replied with "I don't want to be banned" and kept throwing away lives. If we had a vote to kick feature that player could have been kicked and I would have kept enjoying the game and won the mission getting back the gold I just spent on a new weapon.


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #1 on: June 24, 2019, 10:47:27 PM
Although things like that rarely happen (from my personal experience), I'm with you man. Whether it's someone suiciding to lower MMR (do people still that in public games?), doing nothing/leeching off players, or dropping in and out of games, cause the team is having trouble, or there's an antag. Doesn't happen to me alot, but when it does, it's quite annoying to say the least.

Along with the vote to kick, I think people who drop in and out more than 3 or 4 times should get penalized and have a Cortez bro join in permanently.


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #2 on: June 24, 2019, 10:55:11 PM
and from my own experience, it happens a lot. XD
not necessarily players who suicide themselves, even if i already encountered suicidal quitters 2 or 3 times, but at least "experienced" players you'd gladly replace by AI.

+1 for the kick feature.


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #3 on: June 26, 2019, 12:59:27 PM
Hello guys,

Our system detects when a player is suiciding repeatedly, so rest assured we take action against those users.

We are sorry you had a bad experience and encourage you to report players if you feel they are cheating by sending an email to

Thank you very much for your patience!


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #4 on: June 26, 2019, 02:30:48 PM
hello karen =)

well, as far as i am concerned, i don't ask for them tu be punished.
so i take no confort of knowing that they'll be punished after breaking a game, i'd rather be able to get rid of them when it's needed =)

so still +1 for the kick feature.  ;D


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #5 on: July 03, 2019, 05:01:50 PM
I agree with a vote kicking option, but trust me, this new patch will push the serious gamers away from Spacelords, as there's no incentive to play anymore than 4 games.

Anyway, back to the topic.

I'm with you. I played a game, can't remember the name, but it's the capture Schneider mission. Anyway, as soon as the option came up to quit the game this player Time of Rape, (Time of ****) a PC Player, immediately called for a match abandon. We all refused. We'd cleared out the first area and were waiting for the key to unlock the forcefield. He then picked it up and started hopping in the opposite direction. There was no way to make him drop it. The game timer eventually ran down and we lost the game. Worse, there was only about 20 mins left before all bonuses refreshed and this match was for a rare blueprint. It meant that if I lost it, there was no way I was going to be able to win another 2 games to get the chance of winning it again. He screwed it up for everyone.

I hate kicking people in games because there are going to be some teams who are just toxic and will start abusing this.
However, I've been in games where someone's chosen to quit, we've refused and they've just started killing themselves on purpose to bring about the no respawn countdown timer and with 2 patches back, sudden death.

I'm all for it now, that was, before this update, which has killed the game.


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #6 on: July 03, 2019, 09:10:22 PM
God please no with the bs i seen in game and the type of people i get matchedwith vote kick is just a disaster waiting to happen. Just like vote surrender and antag mode...
I seen people spam vote surrender, i seen people vote to surrender literaly at the end of a match and leaving somehow triggering it to pass and fail the mission for the rest of the team. Or just trolling me or something because i had a failurs in matches that were literally won seconds from end just because someone voted and it passed.
Vote kick will bring more harm than good.
The only good thing i can see coming form it is people vote kicking antagonist and winning faster that way. I sure as hell would try i hate that guys xD

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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #7 on: July 03, 2019, 09:21:31 PM
I agree with a vote kicking option, but trust me, this new patch will push the serious gamers away from Spacelords, as there's no incentive to play anymore than 4 games.

Anyway, back to the topic.

I'm with you. I played a game, can't remember the name, but it's the capture Schneider mission. Anyway, as soon as the option came up to quit the game this player Time of Rape, (Time of ****) a PC Player, immediately called for a match abandon. We all refused. We'd cleared out the first area and were waiting for the key to unlock the forcefield. He then picked it up and started hopping in the opposite direction. There was no way to make him drop it. The game timer eventually ran down and we lost the game. Worse, there was only about 20 mins left before all bonuses refreshed and this match was for a rare blueprint. It meant that if I lost it, there was no way I was going to be able to win another 2 games to get the chance of winning it again. He screwed it up for everyone.

I hate kicking people in games because there are going to be some teams who are just toxic and will start abusing this.
However, I've been in games where someone's chosen to quit, we've refused and they've just started killing themselves on purpose to bring about the no respawn countdown timer and with 2 patches back, sudden death.

I'm all for it now, that was, before this update, which has killed the game.

lol Oh I know Time of Rape. He's hilarious.


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Re: Vote to Kick Feature
Reply #8 on: July 11, 2019, 04:48:17 AM
I am normaly against the vote to kick option because in ther games that have that as a feature it is ripe for abuse just because you don't like how someone is doing something or if they got the character you wanted first and so on. But for the past few days I have been getting people not 10 sec. after starting a mission voteing to surrender. Then when we vote to stay they run off the map over and over and over and over and over......till we completly run out of respawns and fail.
These Trolls NEED to be punished so I am for the vote to kick option.