Author Topic: Antagonist spawning  (Read 7874 times)


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Antagonist spawning
on: July 20, 2019, 06:13:09 AM
I don't play antagonist much. Whenever I do I don't really care to win. Usually just throw matches or just halfway play because its whatever. However, I do suffer from one minor thing. On some missions its fine I can spawn almost anywhere. Almost.

Missions like "Destroyer of Worlds" for example. There are only 5 spawn points and they are all on the opposite side of the raiders? I get not wanting player camp their spawn but if you are playing as Hive, Mikah, or anyone who doesn't stalk to a wall or have a giant flying death orb its hard to secure kills. Again not all missions are like this and I know this isn't the old spawn system but I feel like MSE introduced this mechanic in its early stages then just forgot about it...

Having more range on the anchor points would feel much better and give the antagonist a step up. Alternatively, you could get rid of the anchor points completely and have something similar to Doldren astral form however keeping the "Immune" time and everything else that comes with an antagonist. This way the antagonist can get the drop coming from a random spot of the map instead of being in a rough idea spot that most players (at least I) have memorized.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 01:59:07 PM
This would be cool and all but I can see people exploiting it with certain characters. Like just spawning on top of raiders with konstantin and using his ability to push everyone off the stage. Or spawning right behind someone with sah duh to get a free kill, sure you will die right after but at least you will always secure a kill each respawn. Just give me the ability to turn off antags and I will be fine with any changes they make to the antag system.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 04:37:29 PM
This would be cool and all but I can see people exploiting it with certain characters. Like just spawning on top of raiders with konstantin and using his ability to push everyone off the stage. Or spawning right behind someone with sah duh to get a free kill, sure you will die right after but at least you will always secure a kill each respawn. Just give me the ability to turn off antags and I will be fine with any changes they make to the antag system.

Most missions already have that Konstantin tactic. As for Sah Duh, Shae is squishy as a local. Securing one kill is a waste of time and you will most likely not win just getting one kill every time you spawn.

If MSE had a system were you could turn off antagonist so many people will turn it off and leave it off. It makes playing antagonist impossible.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #3 on: July 20, 2019, 05:28:44 PM
.....If MSE had a system were you could turn off antagonist so many people will turn it off and leave it off. It makes playing antagonist impossible.
Yes, but you really need to give people the option to play against an Antagonist or not. It's really their choice and you must respect that. MSE isn't. The only reason, as a Raider to be playing against an Antagonist is to get a high 9+ score. That's it. The extra awards for Antagonist kills, along with Antagonist difficulty boost the score.
Now they've implemented the utterly crap 'Prizes Galore' chest and 4 dailies, you REALLY need to be winning those missions (especially the chest) in order to get anything from this game now, therefore there's most certainly a VERY HIGH desire for people to turn off Antagonist for that match. Even better, just remove it altogether on the treasure chest matches.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 08:24:20 PM
Actually really nice addition would be to turn off spawn timer for antag. Sometimes because of map design they cant increase spawn points radius. This at least add some time for antag to regroup. Cause each time antag spawn time is close to zero i just start to look around to see where he spawn to jump him


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #5 on: July 20, 2019, 08:29:43 PM
Actually really nice addition would be to turn off spawn timer for antag. Sometimes because of map design they cant increase spawn points radius. This at least add some time for antag to regroup. Cause each time antag spawn time is close to zero i just start to look around to see where he spawn to jump him

Also true. There is a lot of ways they could make playing antagonist more fun yet still keeping it fair to the raiders.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #6 on: July 20, 2019, 09:33:24 PM
I don't play antagonist much. Whenever I do I don't really care to win. Usually just throw matches or just halfway play because its whatever. However, I do suffer from one minor thing. On some missions its fine I can spawn almost anywhere. Almost.

Missions like "Destroyer of Worlds" for example. There are only 5 spawn points and they are all on the opposite side of the raiders? I get not wanting player camp their spawn but if you are playing as Hive, Mikah, or anyone who doesn't stalk to a wall or have a giant flying death orb its hard to secure kills. Again not all missions are like this and I know this isn't the old spawn system but I feel like MSE introduced this mechanic in its early stages then just forgot about it...

Having more range on the anchor points would feel much better and give the antagonist a step up. Alternatively, you could get rid of the anchor points completely and have something similar to Doldren astral form however keeping the "Immune" time and everything else that comes with an antagonist. This way the antagonist can get the drop coming from a random spot of the map instead of being in a rough idea spot that most players (at least I) have memorized.

HI! :)
Destroyer of worlds is one of those stages in which the Antagonist has a rather small spawn area, mainly due to the general smallness of the level itself. As you can see in old patch notes, we actually enlarged that stage's spawn area in the update that followed the inclusion of the new spawn system. We enlarged some other maps' spawn area based on community feedback as well.

When it comes to the Destroyer of worlds issue, I don't see how we could attenuate the issue, I'm afraid we could only enlarge the area a few meters more.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #7 on: July 20, 2019, 09:36:31 PM
Actually really nice addition would be to turn off spawn timer for antag. Sometimes because of map design they cant increase spawn points radius. This at least add some time for antag to regroup. Cause each time antag spawn time is close to zero i just start to look around to see where he spawn to jump him

Also true. There is a lot of ways they could make playing antagonist more fun yet still keeping it fair to the raiders.

Ummm, I actually use the spawn countdown in order to play mind games with the Raiders, since  the antagonist is not obligated to spawn at that moment at all.

Also, when the Master of puppets update kicks in, some cool features will be added. These will expand the range of actions the antagonist can perform, even while he/she's dead. :)


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #8 on: July 20, 2019, 10:21:29 PM
I suppose you are right about using the spawn time to play mind games. After a few more testing it seems only Destroyer of Worlds is the only missions I wish spawn points were more spread out.

Also thank you for giving more info on what the Master of Puppets update will bring <3 any idea/clues on when it may be released?

Love you MSE_Ojuel


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #9 on: July 20, 2019, 11:24:41 PM
Im not sure what mind game we talking about, there a skull near your name and a quck flash when you spawn.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #10 on: July 21, 2019, 12:49:31 AM
Im not sure what mind game we talking about, there a skull near your name and a quck flash when you spawn.

What I meant with that is Raiders may be expecing you to respawn as soon as possible, but truth is I ususally wait a little longer, so they can't predict what I'm doing.

Sometimes I wait a little longer when I know some meaningful event is hapenning soon within the mission and go spawn frantcily when that  happens, so I catch everyone offguard. Other times I just wait until the Raiders seem to be distracted with a new arrival of AI foes...etc.


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #11 on: July 21, 2019, 12:54:17 AM
I suppose you are right about using the spawn time to play mind games. After a few more testing it seems only Destroyer of Worlds is the only missions I wish spawn points were more spread out.

Also thank you for giving more info on what the Master of Puppets update will bring <3 any idea/clues on when it may be released?

Love you MSE_Ojuel

I guess we can try to update spawn areas for DoW once more, but we won't be able to broaden it much more. BTW, when you say "spawn points" I guess you're referring to the "anchor points", right? I suppose you already know you're not forced to spawn only within those, but on any point within the allowed spawn area! :)

I guess we'll be giving details on the new update soon enough, but shhhhh! I'd rather leave that to Karen! She's the one in charge when it comes to delivering hype. :)


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #12 on: July 21, 2019, 01:18:57 AM
I suppose you are right about using the spawn time to play mind games. After a few more testing it seems only Destroyer of Worlds is the only missions I wish spawn points were more spread out.

Also thank you for giving more info on what the Master of Puppets update will bring <3 any idea/clues on when it may be released?

Love you MSE_Ojuel

I guess we can try to update spawn areas for DoW once more, but we won't be able to broaden it much more. BTW, when you say "spawn points" I guess you're referring to the "anchor points", right? I suppose you already know you're not forced to spawn only within those, but on any point within the allowed spawn area! :)

I guess we'll be giving details on the new update soon enough, but shhhhh! I'd rather leave that to Karen! She's the one in charge when it comes to delivering hype. :)

Yes, The anchor points, I feel as if they don't have much range especially on the part were the raiders are fighting Aneska in her mech.

Also I noticed you changed your picture. Looking handsome


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Re: Antagonist spawning
Reply #13 on: July 23, 2019, 06:42:39 PM
I suppose you are right about using the spawn time to play mind games. After a few more testing it seems only Destroyer of Worlds is the only missions I wish spawn points were more spread out.

Also thank you for giving more info on what the Master of Puppets update will bring <3 any idea/clues on when it may be released?

Love you MSE_Ojuel

I guess we can try to update spawn areas for DoW once more, but we won't be able to broaden it much more. BTW, when you say "spawn points" I guess you're referring to the "anchor points", right? I suppose you already know you're not forced to spawn only within those, but on any point within the allowed spawn area! :)

I guess we'll be giving details on the new update soon enough, but shhhhh! I'd rather leave that to Karen! She's the one in charge when it comes to delivering hype. :)

Sooooo, the time has come:

Master of Puppers will drop on July 29th. :)