Author Topic: Harec needs to be nerfed.  (Read 15929 times)


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #15 on: July 29, 2019, 01:40:18 AM
why get so upset with someone who's voicing their opinions? lol as i said before, you seem to blow a gasket every time an antagonist is name dropped. harec,  doldren,  tomorrow you're gonna probably throw a temper tantrum if someone mentions an antagonist shae or mikah? XD

ahah cyberhunted, you're such a funny kid. i like you ^^
you know that harec, doldren, shae and other are just character you could play as raider too ? you know that right ?
that's what i'm i doing most of the time by the may.
so if you nerf harc for instance, you are also nerfing raiders who plays harec...

and i could ask you the same handsomefearlesscyberhuntedboss4554, why all of you are so mad when people says that characters needs no nerf ?

you came here all crying for momy because doldren had got you.
at that time little hunted was really mad, and then little hunted learned how to play a little better and little hunted understood he had said bullshit.

because little hunted, as other cry babys, just can stand to lose and, as most of them cant increase their skills, (obviously playing mmr20 against antag 6, skills are not increased...), so they just come here to tell momy to help them by nerfing things. =)
but most of the time, they are just saying bullshit...

so i'll come here to defend any nerf against cry babys because most of the times nerfs are not justified.
for example, most high lvl weapons OS any players or any players in pack but there is always someone to come and cry because this or that weapon kill them...
good example with smokydaisy user who comes to cry about sadhu...

there is no objectivity in your whining, that's why i despise them.
you just whine because you're bad and too lazy to progress, or at least bad losers.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 01:46:48 AM by sonofoz »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #16 on: July 29, 2019, 01:52:15 AM
You should be a comedian, the more you speak. The more i find you laughable at best haha.  the question is and should be, who's the one who's whining here? certainly not me.  must be you, everytime i see you,  you seem to whine more than those you accuse of whining lol.  "whaaa! Teh are complaining about me antagonists. whaaa! They said teh should be nerfed!" i find you boring son,  you never have anything fun to say,  it's Always bad, corny, laughable jokes. that come off as more sad, pathetic than actually worth anyone's energy of taking serious. and no,  i sleep just fine, see i have gotten way better than before. Not as you predicated, more like i have studied, observed other players on my team.  doldren isn't really a much of a problem anymore. seeing as i now always beat him, and whomever plays him.  i love your jokes, you seem pretty well diverse in comedy, maybe you'll just do fine as a stand up comic. maybe, just maybe I'll take you seriously again now run along,  your mommy and daddy want you back by supper! XD


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #17 on: July 29, 2019, 02:39:55 AM
i can see your education is not achieved boy...
first :

the more you speak. The more i find you laughable at best haha.
that's more or less what i said just before to you. that's not the first i see that, i say something to you and boom next comment, you say the same. are you lacking imagination so much you can't even find your own jokes ?

and second you lack vocabulary too.
(and that comes from a non english , so you should worry...)
i do not whine. i state you are useless and incompetents players.
i do not cry about that. i just proves it as a fact...

one more proof is this topic...:
you are so lame you couldn't even realise harec ALREADY has a cooldown. you just have to hurt him when in astral form, even a little. and boom cooldown.

but for that maybe you should have look around to see him... (as the dodge button is also usefull to prevent him to shoot your head...)
"what ? no ! we are are playing "gayme" it's too hard for us..." (i apologize to the gay community for this bad pun)

well, so, keep dying but don't blame harec.
there is fkg good harec there, they are just owning you (or me) because they are better than you ,no matter what. nerf harec they will always find another character to makes you cry...
because it-does-not-comes-from-the-character.

you are capitalist leeches who just play for rewards, looking to be carried by your team.
and they are just playing to be better than you.
so whine all you want, nerf what you want... you'll just keep diying and whining...  ;)


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #18 on: July 29, 2019, 02:53:11 AM
You seem to have some reading comprehension issues lol. Not once did i ever say he needed to be nerfed, i just found it hilarious, and pathetic. XD you get so worked up whenever marcus posts or someone else. so that's why i bring it up,  i play to win, to have fun,  i couldn't care less about losing a reward nor getting a shit ton of gold. you're embarrassing yourself son,  you are all over the place in topic and what you are even talking about lol.  you know, all these anger issues and post's could be directed towards sorting out your stuff animals, or examining soggy cheerios that your mummy fixed for you this morning. trust me,  you act more and more like a sad little child it's so funny. btw you are seriously wrong lol,  harec and can be wounded in astral form. but he's still able to return to the spot he once was and recover. that's if you can take out the large crowd of enemies he's hiding behind, by time he can. once he does, he can easily move to another spot, and pick off raiders easily.  keep embarrassing yourself son, I'll keep laughing at every little word you pour out of that mouth of yours πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #19 on: July 29, 2019, 03:22:51 AM
Not once did i ever say he needed to be nerfed
oh ok. so you just came to this topics with nothing to say but with an urgent desire to type something. again.
you're making an habit of this...

You seem to have some reading comprehension issues
see ? still using the same kind of arguments i used just before...
typical of not too smart adolescent...

i play to win
"and when i'm not good enough, i come here to whine for a nerf of doldren, cause i'm so narcissist i can't imagine someone with a lower lvl could beat me."  :'(

and indeed you're right, if you were good, it wouldn't happened =s
it could have beat your team but you should have still owned him...
too bad for little hunted...  :'(
as i said, for me, you are just playing gayme like others suicidal whiners.

harec and can be wounded in astral form. but he's still able to return to the spot he once was and recover
what are you talking about...? wich spot ?? the one on the ground ?? of course he can, since he just goes back to his body... what ? you would like him to be stuck on his wall if you hurt him...?   :o
my god... brains must be expensive theses days...

go to bed kid you're saying more and more shit with every new comment...
or stay and laugh, stupid people always laugh of others while they don't understand them, unable to realises that they just know nor understand no shit. and when i said you, it was obvious for anyone above 3yo, that it was a plural... and not you chubbyhunted, you, the kind of crybabys...

anyway, so, you aggreed, harec needs no nerf. so we are done.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 03:25:02 AM by sonofoz »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #20 on: July 29, 2019, 04:09:13 AM
Again lol,  you seem to whine and cry far more than me.  in fact if i remember, i only made that one doldren post, that's about it. but again, explaining anything to you, is like trying to explain movie or plot line to a 7 year old.  everyday i see you on here cry about marcus and whiners. when in reality lol you are what you cry about it's so ironic lol.  like i said,  you seem to think people are whining, when technically it's called an "opinion" something you fail to understand lol.  this is a public forum, people are free to express themselves as long as it's not rude. marcus and the rest are doing that, you? are we like to call toxic. you bitch and moan about people's opinions that it comes off as just plain down sad XD.  listen we know you love to kiss the games butt but don't shill, it comes off as desperate. get over it, move on and stop being the hypocrite, that you come off as. you whine and complain just as much as others that you claim to do lol. and i love it, you claim  to know how bad i am, but haven't even seen a snippet of my play kills. you know next to nothing hypocrite, that's why i find you plain down sad and embarrassing lol.  because you think and assume, but don't know a single thing. again, keep crying lol about people's opinions, I'll watch and laugh my ass as you keep trying so hard to sound cool and smart πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 04:10:53 AM by Cyber_hunter026 »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #21 on: July 29, 2019, 04:39:17 AM
lol no lol that's just you lol who are unable to  use the most simple logic lol (i'm trying to speek like you, but i think i must improve again lol)

"antags are means because i can't defend myself, doldren is OP because i lost a match, harec is OP  because he owned me !"
that's whining.

so whining IS an opinion. obviously...
as everything else in fact. that's the point when you speek, you see, nearly everything that everyone says, is their opinions... so when you say that, you just say nothing, like everytime you speek in fact whinerhunted.
so one more time you just said bullshit. welldone.

you claim  to know how bad i am, but haven't even seen a snippet of my play kills.
yeah yeah i'm sure whinerhunted is the best.
"bouhou save me doldren is too op, but i'm such a killer in fact lol".

at least lvl9 is humble.

well, i'm your man, give me your ingame name, a time and map tomorow and invade my game to antag me =)
so i'll see all your killing skills  :D
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 04:42:48 AM by sonofoz »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #22 on: July 29, 2019, 04:56:44 AM
Sounding more and more like a broken repetitive record. Well done, bravo πŸ‘ have to give it to you for sounding like a walking talking joke.  you can whine, and moan about my doldren topic all you want lol.  makes no difference nor matter to me what your opinion is of my so called bad, horrible, lame kill skills lol, it's pretty irrelevant to me.   and nah, i won't bother wasting my time because in truth id just laugh my ass off at you trying to take me on. your attempts to rile me, provoke me, bait me have been nothing but failure after failure. just like your redundant post's you've countless of times have posted on here about us Big meanie poopie head whiners XD.  Your efforts were appreciated but they still are sad to say the least I'll give you a D minus for effort though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #23 on: July 29, 2019, 05:01:57 AM
As far as the main topic is concerned I agree that Harec can use a little nerf like a Cooldown, its a simple enough method. Hell Rak Mayura is getting a nerf in the next patch, but he's just one in the many characters or guns that need to be looked at. 

Don't let the Discord trolls attack you.
That came out of nowhere. Is Sonofoz a member of Discord as well (honest question.)

Since I started posting, there have been people on here who have just attacked me constantly
You have a pretty heavy handed approach when discussing something.  You obviously know a lot or more than most about gaming but when it comes out on its like you know whats good for others or something, not to mention the fact that you made it clear that your dead set on abandoning your team when things seem like there going to go south.
I'm not hating on you, believe's just seeing you post day in and day out about one thing that frustrated you or another is exhausting to see all the time.

Edit - I want to note I respect your know-how on gaming, your often very informative.

"Problem with Harec is the difference between mouse and controller players."
Oh hell yeah, Harec for players fresh out of Call of Duty is like a wet dream for them lol. Give them a Mouse and Keyboard and even an Unranked Harec who doesn't know how to stalk yet will still mess you up.

You ARE toxic. Marcus was right.
We're all "toxic" at one point or another and some more than others.  You might as well own it, Im heavily in favor of MS when discussing things but often hold myself back from saying something too stupid lol.
I saw a guy on the Discord who made a logo for himself saying "Salt Lords". As far as this Forum is concerned we literally can comb through our past post and find a reason to call each other toxic.

Not even 3 months and changing again the Aleph system!
Thats a whole other topic my friend, and we havent even tested it out ourselves. Probably not as bad as it sounds.....probably.

Im probably not going to reply back to this thread cause the point was made and its going know where but again yeah, Harec does need a nerf in some capacity. 
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 05:06:49 AM by Angeles2099 »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #24 on: July 29, 2019, 05:29:25 AM
nah, i won't bother wasting my time because in truth id just laugh my ass off at you trying to take me on.
yeah little hunted, it's easier to brag than to act right ?
as i said many times, whiners have no guts.
it is settled then. and maybe you'll consider we are done this time ?

That came out of nowhere. Is Sonofoz a member of Discord as well (honest question.)
absolutly not angeles.
the only things i know about them, i read it on the countless lvl9 topics...

Harec does need a nerf in some capacity.
the only thing i feel abnormal with harec, but maybe that's because i still don't understand something about fighting him, is that he seems to stand far much damage in astral form.
and that, i think, if that's not because something i do wrong, is pretty frustrating.
when in human form sadhu need beetwin 2 and 4 bullets to instant kill him.
in astral form a full barrel just send him back to his body -_-'
and it feels not right. you are aware of you're surrounding, aim before he shoots to OS you, and... nothing, you just wounded him.

i don't really understand why they make him so resilient in astral, but well...
maybe there is a game mechanic i missed to OS him in astral.


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #25 on: July 29, 2019, 06:06:13 AM


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #26 on: July 29, 2019, 06:33:55 AM
nah, i won't bother wasting my time because in truth id just laugh my ass off at you trying to take me on.
yeah little hunted, it's easier to brag than to act right ?
as i said many times, whiners have no guts.
it is settled then. and maybe you'll consider we are done this time ?

That came out of nowhere. Is Sonofoz a member of Discord as well (honest question.)
absolutly not angeles.
the only things i know about them, i read it on the countless lvl9 topics...

Harec does need a nerf in some capacity.
the only thing i feel abnormal with harec, but maybe that's because i still don't understand something about fighting him, is that he seems to stand far much damage in astral form.
and that, i think, if that's not because something i do wrong, is pretty frustrating.
when in human form sadhu need beetwin 2 and 4 bullets to instant kill him.
in astral form a full barrel just send him back to his body -_-'
and it feels not right. you are aware of you're surrounding, aim before he shoots to OS you, and... nothing, you just wounded him.

i don't really understand why they make him so resilient in astral, but well...
maybe there is a game mechanic i missed to OS him in astral.

Nah more like i won't give this sad troll the sad fight he longs for.   i would,  but like i previously stated, i won't be wasting my time because you are a waste of time lol.  that's big bad talk for such a little troll like yourself, maybe you wanna look in the mirror buddy. you've been whining this whole time and it hasn't amounted to anything but complete laughter at you. you seem to fail at understanding criticism and an opinion.  what marcus said is both an opinion and criticism, something that seems to slip past your delusional world you live in. even when people, like myself has played harec both as a raider and as antagonist. he's bit op,  and that's why people are criticizing his stalk ability, he can not only stalk from a wall,  but CQC in combat, finish a player off with shot then return and completely dominate them within seconds. What you fail to realize, even against a new team of rank 6 players. only adds a dimension of unbalance to his ability and weapons. i have seen, and witness this countless of times. Newbies who aren't even familiar with game are left confused and frustrated when killed over and over again by harec without even being able to punish properly. yes it takes a well good, organized team, sadly the people I've played with are too distracted to even form a strategy before being downed by either mobs of enemies or the antagonist themselves. again lol you are lost in this delusional world of yours that he's not a bit over powered? Wake up lol
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 06:46:37 AM by Cyber_hunter026 »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #27 on: July 29, 2019, 06:57:08 AM
Nah more like i won't give this sad troll the sad fight he longs for.
in my country we call that useless coward excuses.
don't worry boy, as i said, it's settled.
anyway, i'll take no glory in beating (again) your adolescent ass untill you rage quit.


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #28 on: July 29, 2019, 07:13:37 AM
Oooo so fiesty, sounds like you are taking it a bit more personal than i expected lol.  it's okay, we know you want to but couldn't. Btw we now admit to being a liar i see? XD
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 07:15:12 AM by Cyber_hunter026 »


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Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
Reply #29 on: July 29, 2019, 07:18:57 AM
personnally ? nope, just proving you are all bloat but empty.  ::)
want but couldn't what ?