Author Topic: Low level antag/raider dmg and or melee boost and antag teammate(s)  (Read 6156 times)


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So I've noticed a reoccurring thing on s.p.
When playing as raider/antag, the mmr will matchmake me with some higher level player(s), now that wouldn't be a problem if they didnt have the passives at a higher percentage than me. Thus being the true form, they kill me with one hit and one shot then a hit. (Same with teammates) resulting in a very bad taste in my mouth like watching the movie "drag me to hell".
  My solution would be to boost the lower party up 2% under the higher party.
   Now I know this would solve the unfair issue but we still have the problem of "4v1=stay together and gank to win".
   mainly because the ai separates most of the time or doesnt spawn together resulting in a clearing of adds on the map from the enemy team this leaving the antag to fend for himself which 99% of the time results in death if the team is extremely coordinated.
  Another solution would be to add a second antag or an ai shadow spawn aka antag helper that is stronger than the elites to deal with the raiders if they are too high of a level and the boost option is void.
  At least this way, the antag isnt 1. Being spawn killed and 2. Being ganked as he/she would have a teammate just as a strong and smart to watch six and warn when in danger and take 15% of the shots and or hits. Kinda like an aggro to give the antag the much needed help of being a shae sniper when the raiders effortlessly clear the map of adds and keep it clear like a police crime scene or a soccer field when a runner jumps the fence.
   If neither of those would be an option, give antags a surrender button, lolz.
  This would keep the player from feeling the urge to dc and deal with the penalty and keep the matches from being prolonged when the antag has no chance of gaining any type of reward worth the humiliation. (Tbh I'd rather be a coward that surrendered than someone who wasted their time constantly dying and being taunted by overly powered pvp builds.
   I've noticed that if yoyre playing against rak Maura (the rusher), Aneska (the defender) loaht (the stunner) and Schneider (the turret dmg dealer), you die and lose 99.9% of the time due to the roles above that leave no room for breathing, No adds for living, no spawn for using (the spawn camping) and no cover for hiding (once you pop out, RUN. They will look for you, they WILL find you... and they will kill you.) Thus resulting in either a rage quit due to no surrender option, currently, or a dissatisfied player not spawning and leaving the game under bad unfortunate circumstances when in reality, this game has extremely fun potential.
  Just my thoughts. Tell me what you think and thank you for reading this far. Keep up the awesome work guys.


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it's funny because some people here just pass their time whining against antags who are too strong and kill them bad.
others people usually try to explain them they just don't know how to defend themselves, and if antags are so OP they just have to play antag and see if they are right...
but no. they just don't want to understand.

so that's good that people come here to explain them that antag is a hard an lonely job.


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Yea, I definitely feel lonely when playing antag. Especially if they clear the map and keep it clear. I just sit in the spawn staring at them like a lonely child staring through the glass of a candy store with no money. (The adds being the money)


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waiting for ads to help you is a loss of time.
most of the time they will be of no use, if they take beetwin 1 and 3lives during a mission, you'll be happy.
well, i'm even happy when an elite just succeed in finishing a player that i have wounded, so...
the only thing you can wish for is monsters and boss will be numerous enough and have enough health just to slow them down enough for you to kill them all.
-> it's always frustrating when you are walking on raiders corps, killing them one after another, but the map is so empty and boss so weak that raiders still can end the mission in less than 5 minutes...

so, antaging means mostly counting only on yourself.
so you'll have to choose the good character with the good weapon for each mission, considering the missions itself and the characters chosen by raiders.
and then give them hell.

you can try to kill some of them as soon as the game start, without dying.
lot of players in this game are just useless cowards who will just quit if you bash them hard from the start, and it will give you an easy victory.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 08:30:23 PM by sonofoz »


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I've yet to encounter those XD
It's more op players that are tier ranked that I encounter and taunt me when I'm dead as well.  "Bruh. You're tier, you're already op. The fact that you feel the need to gloat about it makes you a cocky cock" lolz.


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ahahah XD
i do it sometimes  ::)
when antag or raiders keep focusing me and dies again and again.
or if i see the player is clearly no match, i can do it in order he focus me and keep diying doing so, sparing life of comrades, or assuring easy kills as antag.

war is psychological too, do it at the right time on the good foe and boom, you'll maybe win a rage quit ! XD


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Lolz I recently won a rage quit today. My most recent match is avoided loss by sticking together and ganking again.


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see ? rage quit are always the sweetest victory  ;D
depends on the map, and the character, but usually, antags have few chances if raiders focus them in pack.


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Or just apply the damage bonuses/resistances to AI only instead. You know, since the difficulty rises and you need to counteract it SOMEHOW apart from shooting into bullet sponges. That way, the Raiders have the upper hand when dealing with grunts/elites only and don't suffer from a bigass MMR spike whenever an Antag joins in. And that would mean the end of "Ohhhh I'm a Status 1 player in a lobby of 4 tier 5s or 6s, onepunching everything I see".