Author Topic: Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing  (Read 4934 times)


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Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing
on: August 16, 2019, 02:55:29 PM
My goal was to get high enough MMR so that my accumulated pot would cycle sooner more than once every 24 hours, however...

Within one solo play session I went from 41 MMR to 33. The previous day I was 45. I was confident in my abilities and truly believed I could raise it from 41 back to 45 and so on solo. Playing with a group of high level friends would have been best, but who has the luxury of having an experienced 4 stack when they want it?

Anyway, during this play session I was a tier 2 almost tier 1, and kept getting matchmade with tier 5 and 6 players and unranked players (which is not inherently bad), but the enemies were hitting VERY hard like we were supposed to all be MAX level. Grunts took about five melee strikes on some of these missions. Elites took more. Missions that were problematic were:

'A Low Blow' - The timer ran out on the teleportation gate while I was dealing with the mobs of enemies. It was definitely my mistake not to check it sooner, but I thought they were trolling and actually would destroy it in time. Once I started applying real damage, it was too late.

'In Media Res'- We had to surrender because my teammates weren't able to handle the grunts or elites. Wouldn't bother touching the decoder, but that's normal. I could not give commands and am not sure why I wasn't the leader as the highest level.

'A Fistful of Sand'- The grunts were hurting and staggering everyone so badly that no one could complete the animation of giving the protector aleph even when we had it. The enemies seemed to swarm this level harder than anything else.

'In Shock'- My teammates were rookies and playing HIVE, Alicia, and Lycus. You already KNOW they couldn't do anything with the tentacles as those short range characters and brought every Kuzmann electricity beam my way like I was a lightning rod, but I was Harec and carried so we actually won.

Last thing I did was an Antag match on A Low Blow that I regret. Valeria on the raiders team made movement impossible for me even playing as Hans. He is my strongest Antagonist. At a lower MMR I had hoped I would have success with proper effort, but in hindsight I can see I stood no chance.

You should make it so level determines how quickly the pot resets, not MMR.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 03:00:34 PM by immortanjoe »


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Re: Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing
Reply #1 on: August 16, 2019, 03:22:31 PM
..... pot resets once each 24 hours. it dont depend on level or MMR


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Re: Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing
Reply #2 on: August 16, 2019, 07:36:40 PM
..... pot resets once each 24 hours. it dont depend on level or MMR

Oh, well you could be right. I heard from other players that once your MMR is high enough it resets every 8 hours instead. I thought this was one of the rewards for higher MMR and if it is not, I'm not sure why the description of MMR says you can earn greater rewards in the first place.


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Re: Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing
Reply #3 on: August 16, 2019, 09:32:25 PM
Rewards used to reset up to every 8 hours based on your level, but that changed with the Prizes Galore update, so they don't reset anymore.

Not sure how that increased the prizes, it sure doesn't feel like it.


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Re: Lost 8 MMR in 2 hours Solo Queuing
Reply #4 on: August 18, 2019, 11:27:44 PM
Rewards used to reset up to every 8 hours based on your level, but that changed with the Prizes Galore update, so they don't reset anymore.

Not sure how that increased the prizes, it sure doesn't feel like it.

This is likely why I was hearing people complain about Prizes Galore then. Love the fact that gold and faction points are more plentiful, but the XP cap is the crux of the problem for some players.