Author Topic: Antag Matchmaking  (Read 15502 times)


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Antag Matchmaking
on: December 17, 2019, 04:03:44 AM
Can we please fix this? XD Why do I keep matching against max level players when I antag? Someone with tier4 guns and below couldn't hope to beat four max level players. Doesn't matter how low I try to bring my mmr to match against people of my level, it's still max level players. And I know for a fact players around my level are on, I keep matching with different groups of randoms when solo-queing. There are plenty around lol. I just don't get it, I can't be that good that the game actually thinks I stand a chance against these people.


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Re: Antag Matchmaking
Reply #1 on: December 17, 2019, 06:28:34 AM
The same problem, man. Very rarely you can win as antog. But in past (When game was naming "Raiders on The Broken Planet") antog always was ripping off the rounds. I guess that is a way how they fixed him(antog).


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Re: Antag Matchmaking
Reply #2 on: December 17, 2019, 10:25:19 AM
I know people used to tank their mmr so mobs would just become impossible to deal with. Now no matter the mmr difference the mobs are wet tissue paper and the mission is easy. Not saying we need to change this, system was easily abused back then. But can we at least stick to our tiers? XD What are low level players expected to do against four guys with instant kill weapons and the help you get from the mobs only serves as a brief distraction before they're all dead?

A lower tier player of 6 or 4 simply lacks the kind of firepower needed to beat a team who's put time in to get a higher forge rank. It's a stomp lol. Might as well not bother spawning. I mean, antaging is pretty much pointless now. I'm just trying to keep my affinity for the guild so everyone can level faster with that equilibrium bonus. But damn, it'd be less of a pain if I could just be allowed to spawn and have a fighting chance.