Author Topic: Stress cahnges aftermath  (Read 5552 times)


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Stress cahnges aftermath
on: January 31, 2020, 03:48:09 PM
  I wasn't playing when the stress meccanic was changed, altought I understand why. Running around and punching people with shae was dumb fun, but maybe not how the game is intended. I think however  it's not possible to change just the stress mechanic, if I was to ask what is the native's raiders strenght or the wardogs weaknesses the answer is the same, stress management. Just changing the stress made wardog much stronger, while natives are weaker. Let me make you an adectodal example.

   I just played "The mouse and the snake", in character selection the rest of my team is Hive, Alicia, Kuzman, this mean I have to go Shae. I'm not the leader altough it's obvious that none of the other player did this mission before (I think this souldn't happend, the leader should be chosed first among the ones who completed the mission). During the mission Hive would chase boss and beholders aound the map, while I have to kill boss and beholders. With the new stress mechanic we draw more or less the same ammount of aggro, but she have 100 hp with regenration, I have only 60, one of the two can ignore the ads the other can't. There was a moment when I get downed by the AoE of the boss, get up, get downed by two random soldiers less than a second later.

  I'm fine with the stress changes, but they must be followed by some health changes to, especually with more deadly ads. I think that the natives should at least have 80 hp, even if they had only 100 flat hp with nothing else they would be still the most frail faction, 60 is nothing.


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Re: Stress cahnges aftermath
Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 03:00:44 PM
Hey there, CaimZheit!
As you know, stress determines if an enemy sees you or not. It makes you visible to the other, so more of a target to antags/raiders. That's kind of a reason why locals have an advantage against Wardogs. They are less likely to be seen and can strike to their enemy with a stealthy kind of gameplay. Also, they have quite a lot more damage per shot.

What are the stress changes you mean? Maybe you are facing a bug there!


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Re: Stress cahnges aftermath
Reply #2 on: February 04, 2020, 02:41:32 PM
  The stress feels differently from october. If I use a native raider before and go in melee, I could take them out in melee and run around as long my stress was low. While using a wardog raider it was a constant fight, I they kept coming and I could use cover only for a brief amount of time. And i liked both loops.
  Now whoever I'm using I draw the same amount of ads. I play natives more recklessly, so that's part of the problem, but still dosen't explain why wardongs don't take as much heat as a native. With Pak in "mind over matter" I purposely step on mines to trigger protective itinct and still I don't draw as much aggro as Shae being a support sniper.


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Re: Stress cahnges aftermath
Reply #3 on: February 06, 2020, 10:59:59 AM
Hi there, CaimZheit
We haven't made changes in the stress measurement. It could be that something is not working as it should with a certain environment tho. What are the talent cards you use with Shae? 


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Re: Stress cahnges aftermath
Reply #4 on: February 06, 2020, 11:31:47 AM
Normally patience and weapon pressure cards.