Hello MSE, I would like to take a minute of my time to provide some gameplay feedback. I think the game is amazing aesthetically plus the raider model and map designs are breath taking. The lore of the game is also amazingly fleshed out. However, I have noticed a few issues that have been over-looked or placed on the back burner.
One issue in particular is the fairness in PvP. I understand in the past the scales were slightly weighted in the favor of the antagonist, specially when it came to newer players joining the game. But, in the current state of the game raiders are just practically being handed wins and feel as if they are deserving of it, often bragging and being overall toxic.
MMR is just broken. I made this post immediately after playing a game of antagonist and the mission difficulty was 28%. Why? Because my person MMR was 51% and their average mmr was 38%. There was zero adds spawning. I could not call orders, I could not get them to defend me, I couldn't do anything when it came to add support.
The toxicity in the community is another issue, however, I understand MSE can only do so much when it comes to the player's behavior. But, giving raiders wins when they are not deserving of it is not helping. A small group of raiders are often ignoring objectives to bully antagonist for kill points. Raiders often taunt or emote on antagonist kills, and some are even sending messages to antagonist who have lost matches to taunt them. Constantly allowing them to win is just feeding their egos and not actually teaching them anything. Stop babying and start giving them a challenge.