Author Topic: Character, Loadout and General Gameplay Strategies  (Read 16255 times)


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Character, Loadout and General Gameplay Strategies
on: February 17, 2020, 10:48:06 AM
1) Character Statuses
2) Faction Traits
3) Faction Talents
4) Character Talents
5) Weapon Features
6) Character Weapons
7) Character Abilities

1) Character Statuses (refers to the activity of the character, both passive and active): There are five characteristics to player statuses, one of which can be sub-categorized into actions
2) Faction
  • 2a) Faction Traits:

    2b) Faction Talents:

    3) Missions

    3a) Mission Design: Missions can have multiple maps and maps can have multiple stages and environments. Map designs are characterized by their stages, the variety and commonality of their regions, and their objectives.
      Stages are the succeeding mission segments where objectives or sub-objectives change; maps can have multiple stages and the similarities can vary between a few environmental changes to a complete difference in functionality e.g. in the mission 'White Noise,' the map is the same, but in the second stage delayed telekinetic traps are added to the map
  • Map regions are distinguishable from general map features and other environments; they can mainly be categorized by their scale and enclosure, and to a lesser extent by their interactive mechanics, including stationary mission objectives e.g. engines that can be overloaded with aleph, like the one on 'A Low Blow'
  • The maps of a mission are a determining factor to what characters and loadouts a player should pick

3b) Missions Notes

2) Mission based Characters & Loadouts
Stealth: closed-spaces prevent being spotted by enemies from vantage points; complex pathways deny consistent line of sight, especially for snipers; and large environments can offer more places to hide and find cover

which makes it harder for players to find you. Meanwhile the smaller and more open-spaced an environment is, the less useful stealth is to the situation as there are less places to hide and more directions one can be spotted. This makes other character elements more viable for the situation, like mobility, ricochet effects and AOEs

5) Talents, Character Actions and Weapon Features
  • Maps
  • Stealth: stealth is less important
    • Ammo Supply and Reloading: Unlike other factions, when Locals manually reload their weapons, they can’t use CQC actions or cancel their reloads mid-way, so investing in faster reloads or ammo supply capacities can minimize exploitability of this weakness. Some locals can still use their ability, while reloading e.g. ‘Bewitch,’ ‘Stalk’ and ‘Heal.’ Reload animations can be canceled by push effects, strikes, grapples, being wounded. How good your accuracy is is an indicator to whether your builds should focus more on reloading or ammo supply. Players with better accuracy should invest more in ammo supply, and players with less accuracy should invest more in faster reload speeds, because players with low accuracy will miss more often and investing more in faster reloads is more forgiving when missing shots, especially with weapons with small ammo capacities. Here are some Talents and Weapon Features associated with ammo supply and reloading
      • Ammo Supply
        • Basic Features: Arsenal
        • Advanced Features: Auto Reload and Over Reload
        • Faction Talents
        • Character Talents
      • Reloading
        • Basic Features: Quick Fingers
        • Faction Talents
          • Local Talents: Skill, Lone Hunter, Urgency, Suitability, Lone Assassin and Appropriateness
          • Hades Division Talents: Nerves of Steel
        • Character Talents

    Mobility & Crowd Control: mobility and crowd control can be versatile properties when using the right loadout and character as they can be used defensively, offensively or usefully: mobility can be used to pursuit target characters, evade being targeted, move to cover faster or moving faster while carrying objective components e.g. Encoders (In Medias Res), Schnieder (In Medias Res), Lyre Sphere (A Weapon from the Past), Cannisters (Short Fuse), (White Noise)

    and crowd control useful for both covering the distance between target characters or to escape;

    • Toxin
      • Pros: it's damage over time makes it useful for restraining raiders/antagonist or elite's movement when their wounded and buy time for players or their allies to corner and fire at or finish them in CQC
      • Cons: situational and easily counterable with the proper talents

      Wounding: when players or elites are wounded, they have minimal mobility, their strike action is slower and can be countered by a non-wounded characters strike action; they can't use their abilities, jump or climb over high-walls e.g. 'Mind Over Matter.' Players can negate the duration of being wounded by using certain talents and advanced weapon features and if their being attacked by shots, they can sustain life by using advanced weapon feature

      Here are a few tips to forming an effective raider comp against antagonists
      • Form a team at the main menu screen and invite the others to your party in party chat. When your in party chat with your teammates, you can coordinate your character picks before and during character selection at the beginning of a match. This can be used to your advantage, if the antagonist bases their pick on your teams and can't make up their mind quickly enough; as the timer goes down, your team can move their cursors over their character picks and wait at the last second to select their characters. This will give the antagonist only a few seconds to decide who to pick
      • At least one character pick should fit the role of countering antagonists: character selection should take into consideration the characters viable for the map to build a well rounded team and what character the antagonist would probably pick

      Scale and form

      Stealth: All Locals; Mikah, to some extent any Hades character equipped with the enhanced stress control talent

      Mobility: All Wardogs, especially Alicia and Rak Mayura; Iune with blink, Doldren and Harec; Hans and Mikah; and Ginebra. Good for flanking and responding to allies in close range danger, like CQC

      Range: All Locals; and some other characters with the right weapon

      Harec can fit this role in most missions, because most missions are large scale and open spaced, which fits him perfectly!

      Shakura is good against CQC Doldrens, because the projectiles from the Einstein-Rosen bridge can follow Valeria in any direction

      Antimatter: good against Hades Characters, because they negate their extended health advantages

      Antimatter's uses can be similar to attractor: if a raider needs to extract aleph from an elite by shooting at them, then antimatter reduces the chance that shots will kill the elites and instead wound them, leaving the aleph intact

      Fifth Council Elites: assault elites can't be headshot; they occasionally fire projectiles that pull raiders toward there direction, when they are wounded the projectiles push raiders away so take that in mind when picking a character and loadout. Snipers use rapid fire pistols that can quickly drain player health, take that in mind when approaching them directly. Shotgun type regular enemies also use the assault elites weapon, but their projectiles only have a push effect.

      Burst Damage vs Sustained Damage:
      Burst Damage is better for fast encounters and opportunities, while sustained damage is about gradually diminishing health in order to approach and corner enemies

      Burst Damage is important for missions with boss fights, advanced features like berserker, paramagnetism and faust amplify burst damage

      Toxin, Echo and Antimatter are good for sustained damage

Tip #1: When it comes to evading pursuing enemies, jumping off platforms mostly neutralizes advantages, because all characters fall at the same rate, so evading enemies by falling won't give you much time to run away, especially if your character is much slower than theirs e.g. fifth council (not-ginebra) vs wardog. Climbing up platforms can be more advantageous, because the rate of traveling to the upper floor does factor in speed differences, like running up ramps. Alicia's Double Jump can be used to scale up platforms and can be modified to glide (with the right character talent), but her ability can't be used effectively while under a low ceiling; Han's jetpack can't scale walls, but it can be used inside, glide and fly over obstacles; Ginebra's cougar form can't glide, but it can scale walls and run fast, which can compensate for the neutrality of free falling from platforms[/list]
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 05:52:48 AM by lightoflife3 »


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Re: Advanced Weapon Feature and Team Comp Notes
Reply #1 on: February 17, 2020, 01:55:25 PM
Cool outline! :-)
Thanks for taking the time to analyze and share your knowledge about the Advanced Features! It's really useful and it could help others!


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Re: Advanced Weapon Feature and Team Comp Notes
Reply #2 on: February 18, 2020, 06:42:10 PM
Cool outline! :-)
Thanks for taking the time to analyze and share your knowledge about the Advanced Features! It's really useful and it could help others!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 06:50:50 PM by lightoflife3 »