Author Topic: Aneska's Mech Problems  (Read 12159 times)


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Aneska's Mech Problems
on: February 26, 2020, 11:21:17 PM
I feel Aneska is unviable and personally I believe her mech prevents her from being versatile and mobile. Her mech is the source of her character ability and most of her character talents, but the mech is quite impractical: when summoning her mech, she can't be on-the-fly and it makes a loud roar when summoned that can give away Aneska's position, it's very noticeable bright red hue (which is uncommon throughout the entire game) and huge size makes it easy to target and hit with low accuracy firing; it has no self preservation features besides an occasional melee attack that doesn't deal enough damage to kill even the weakest of enemies in a single blow; Aneska can't move while she summons or extracts the mech; and the only way it's health can be restored while active is by being shot at by Aneska, which means she has to stay by it's side while active or risk it getting attacked and killed.

My Solution:
  • Aneska Buffs (Mech)
    • Visibility: Reduce it's loudness, make it smaller or give it some camouflage or cloaking features
    • Combat Self-Preservation: give it better offensive or defensive abilities: additional attack moves, increased melee damage, range or attack speed; low-damage rapid fire, durational, AOE debuffs; barriers that rotate around the mech with openings between them; a force field mode that activates when the mech is low on health that deactivates it's combat features and sends out a short distance pulse with a push effect
    • Mech Recharging: while the mech is active, batteries can still be appear and if she continues to overload her mech's health bar, it can temporarily use additional attack features, like when Aneska refuels her mech in 'Destroyer of Worlds'
  • Aneska Buffs (Summoner)
    • Summoning: Aneska could have a firing mode that expends the rest of her weapon's clip and when activated, immediately teleports the mech to her location

    In conclusion, I think Aneska shouldn't have to safeguard the mech or the mech be a burden that prevents players from effectively using it for different playstyles, it should be more capable at protecting itself and in certain situations be capable of protecting Aneska[/li]
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 11:19:44 PM by lightoflife3 »


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #1 on: February 27, 2020, 08:10:08 AM
What mech? She has a mech? I know she has a giant paperweight that tickles people and draws aggro. But I don't see any mech.


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #2 on: February 27, 2020, 09:46:27 AM
Perhaps Adding:
1. A Delayed summon feature, Holding the summoning trigger on the specified location places a beacon or an unseen marker that can be held for 5 seconds before the Mech arrives. This will give players time to relocate and potentially flank your enemy.

2. Buffer Shield: Like certain bosses Aneska's Mech should have a shield that negates too much damage being received from a single shot or over the course of a few seconds.

3. Give Aneska a limited range where she can summon her Mech a distance away as opposed to only in her immediate location.

4. Give the Mech a passive feature where shot from Grunts exclusively deal reduced damage.

That's all I got.


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #3 on: February 27, 2020, 05:59:59 PM
Perhaps Adding:
1. A Delayed summon feature, Holding the summoning trigger on the specified location places a beacon or an unseen marker that can be held for 5 seconds before the Mech arrives. This will give players time to relocate and potentially flank your enemy.

2. Buffer Shield: Like certain bosses Aneska's Mech should have a shield that negates too much damage being received from a single shot or over the course of a few seconds.

3. Give Aneska a limited range where she can summon her Mech a distance away as opposed to only in her immediate location.

4. Give the Mech a passive feature where shot from Grunts exclusively deal reduced damage.

That's all I got.
I like most of those ideas:

  • I thought of an alternative to the delayed summon feature, instead of appearing after a delay, the mech could be cloaked and have two attack reaction ranges, one for close-proximity and one for mid-proximity that picks up aleph signatures: the first reaction applies a slow effect to enemies the first time they hit them, since the mech's last summon; and the second reaction pulls enemies into close proximity. Also the closer enemies are to the mech, the more damage they can recieve
  • A buffer shield would be nice against cheap shots like sniper fire. Maybe as a retaliation, when players attack the mech or when they give off their aleph signature, the mech could fire heat seeking missiles that track their positions or maybe just land at the last location enemies fired from. I think the aleph signature tracking may be overkill actually, because Wardogs always have their aleph signature on, but they do move fast, so if the missiles don't move too fast then they could be balanced. Ohh! Maybe to combat snipers, missiles could accelerate the further they travel, however missile steering would decrease
  • The ranged summoning is also a great idea: Alternative, Aneska can instantly summon her mech, but if she charges her summoning, then she can command her mech to either appear from her location and charge forward 5-10 meters, pushing away enemies it comes into contact with or appear 5-10 meters away and charge to her position, pushing enemies towards her direction. Maybe for the second command to be more viable, when Aneska and the mech are in close proximity, they buff eachother. Side Note: I think Aneska should be able to summon and charge-summon her mech from corners and behind cover
  • I don't think the mech should have a passive resistance to grunt damage, because then it would be raider oriented and all characters should be relatively viable to play as both raiders and antagonists. Maybe instead of grunt damage resistance the mech could have crowd suppression abilities e.g. kuzmans blitzfaust or the bubble projectiles the mech uses when refueled on 'Destroyer of Worlds,' but to a less powerful degree

Thanks for the input ( :
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 02:17:25 AM by lightoflife3 »


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #4 on: March 02, 2020, 12:23:37 AM
What mech? She has a mech? I know she has a giant paperweight that tickles people and draws aggro. But I don't see any mech.

LOL, you are just not good at using her. She is Kuzzman ++


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #5 on: March 03, 2020, 11:19:49 AM
Some of these would be okay card ideas, but the mech is a stationary area denial thing.  It shouldn't be persistent.  It is there to act as a detour and to draw aggro.  If something is shooting at it, it's a life that's not at risk. 

That's all.  You kill one or two adds after it's gone....BOOM you got another. 

So yeah...It shouldn't be able to get kills and do objectives by itself.  :D


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #6 on: March 03, 2020, 11:23:42 AM
4. Give the Mech a passive feature where shot from Grunts exclusively deal reduced damage. This is a thing.


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #7 on: March 03, 2020, 07:38:12 PM
Some of these would be okay card ideas, but the mech is a stationary area denial thing.  It shouldn't be persistent.  It is there to act as a detour and to draw aggro.  If something is shooting at it, it's a life that's not at risk. 

That's all.  You kill one or two adds after it's gone....BOOM you got another. 

So yeah...It shouldn't be able to get kills and do objectives by itself.  :D
I disagree:
  • The mech is hardly a detour, it doesn't negate enemy movement, I don't think it's much of roadblock as enemies could just go around it if they wanted, even in small environments the mech wouldn't be much of a roadblock, and it's close-quarter combat functions aren't dangerous enough to be a repellent in antagonists decision making when approaching it
  • Secondly, when drawing aggro, it becomes exponentially less effective when match difficulty increases and it's swarmed with NPCs. And when a raider is separated from the rest of their team and their either under fire by closely-pursuing enemies, surrounded by a swarm or their in a situation where they have to be constantly moving, then they won't be able to call back the mech and either the mech will die first or the raider will die first, either way the mech's enemies will eventually just spill over.
  • Maybe if Aneska could summon the mech on-the-fly, had a talent like Konstantin's 'Emergence,' summoning the mech instead of the repulsion sphere or if the mech activated additional attack features while overwhelmed. Then she could be more balanced


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #8 on: March 05, 2020, 06:33:44 PM
Aneska has a card where she summons the mech when she's wounded.  With a five stack she -always- summons it at full health.  So you can strategically wound yourself to keep the mech around.

Also.  I feel like you want the mech to be a fifth character...  You don't need a fifth character to play this game.  Consider that this character has pretty great clear on all of her weapons, and can destroy swarms with just her weapon. 

How much more can her mech do and her not be doing too much?


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #9 on: March 05, 2020, 06:50:58 PM
Aneska has a card where she summons the mech when she's wounded.  With a five stack she -always- summons it at full health.  So you can strategically wound yourself to keep the mech around.

Also.  I feel like you want the mech to be a fifth character...  You don't need a fifth character to play this game.  Consider that this character has pretty great clear on all of her weapons, and can destroy swarms with just her weapon. 

How much more can her mech do and her not be doing too much?

How your describing Aneska kinda reminds me of Iune, because to me it sounds like the mech is like a second ability.

Also, I wouldn't say all of Aneska's weapons are great, but most of them are good for swarms and with each weapon they either fire projectiles or have a mech ability that is good for attacking over corners; personally I prefer Dr.Kuzman's Lightbogen ZXX for swarms, because damage amplifies with each member of the swarm, you can hide behind cover while the swarm continuously takes damage and when the swarm electrocutes itself, your stress meter doesn't activate. Furthermore, unlike most of Aneska's weapons, the Lightbogen ZXX doesn't damage him. I think it's range is between the Aneska's Atlas G-620 and her Ionizer K-23, though the ray can go farther if you equip a certain talent.

I don't think it's fair to compare the blitzfaust to the mech ability, because it changes based on the weapon she equips.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 07:15:11 PM by lightoflife3 »


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #10 on: March 06, 2020, 03:04:20 AM
....We're not talking about other characters.  Ionizer explosions do AOE.  Atlas does Aoe.  Invicta does Aoe.  All of her weapons do AOE. 

Mech changes...yeah...the one that is most useful with the gun is Ionizer.
Atlas puts down a CC field.
And Invicta is one big damage strike and then aoe ticks. 

We know she's not another character, this doesn't mean she needs to be broken to be good.  She's just a complex character.  The Mech is unnecessary for her to perform well with Atlas and Invicta.

It turns up her damage so much with Invicta. 

Manage all your things appropatiely.  She's good as she is.  Ionizer likely needs a buff to compete with similar fire rate guns, but meh.


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #11 on: March 06, 2020, 06:59:06 AM
If I may throw my hat into the ring. I agree with TheBrentWoody. However, if MSE is going to make any change to the mech I would accept more health to it. But even then that maybe pushing it a bit.

She feels fine as of right now
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 07:01:00 AM by Alex2199 »


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #12 on: March 06, 2020, 05:39:49 PM
If I may throw my hat into the ring. I agree with TheBrentWoody. However, if MSE is going to make any change to the mech I would accept more health to it. But even then that maybe pushing it a bit.

She feels fine as of right now

I still feel the same about the mech: I feel it's not very useful, very situational, it's weapon based abilities feel weak and it can even be a disadvantage: the mech's bright red hue and giant size make it easy to spot, but it's overkill that it releases a giant roar that gives away Aneska's position: It's like all bark and no bite.

The only way I can see Aneska as being balanced is if she is a raider properly paired with the right characters in a highly coordinated team. And personally, I feel like Aneska is unnecessary in the current META: I feel like her abilities are all together less useful at accomplishing tasks and mission objectives than other characters with similar functions. I am open to opposing arguments, but for now, my feelings are the same on the subject.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 11:18:54 PM by lightoflife3 »


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Re: Aneska's Mech Problems
Reply #13 on: March 12, 2020, 11:23:15 PM
What if Aneska's flares could function like mines, remaining wherever they land for a short duration.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 12:13:34 AM by lightoflife3 »