Sure, just get aggressive when you defend this broken system.
I'm sorry if you think I'm being aggressive here, I don't feel like I've crossed any line towards you that you haven't towards me.
Even though I can see we have a different idea of what kind of grind/RNG systems are acceptable, it's worth discussing because the devs need feedback to make this game as good as possible.
This is gonna do nothing but turn players away, not even F2P games use this sort of slot machine systems.
Warframe is the best example of how it can work. This just invites griefing, massive RNG, and even getting decreased rewards or none, upon successful completion.
As the dev said, this kind of loot-sharing is used in many games, B2P ones and even P2P ones like WoW, where sometimes you have to grind for months to get your drop or collect multiple items for a set. Here it's much simpler, you only need
one blueprint which you roll for against 3 people, most of the time even less and if you win, you're good to go.
This won't get people playing more, it will do the opposite, drive them away since it's as anti-player as it gets. No sane person would pay for a gambling system to get attached to their game.
This may drive away SOME players, others won't mind. People pay for worse gambling as I said, and you know why? Because they enjoy the gameplay (in worse cases they are addicts
), and if you don't enjoy playing these missions over and over, this game won't offer you much I'm afraid.
The devs also have the incentive to keep you playing/grinding, by keeping the rewards low, so splitting it makes sense in that case.
Keep in mind that the game will be "very cheap", but will have microtransactions.
Now I do not know if you can use paid currency for anything other than cosmetics, but it's not impossible, so that would be another reason for this system.