Author Topic: Faction points grind needs adjustment  (Read 15768 times)


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #15 on: January 17, 2019, 11:34:11 PM
Adding new characters is not just fluff though, it's content to be played. If the game goes too long with nothing "new" added to it, the playerbase declines. This is true with any ongoing game, the playerbase swells around updates. New characters add a lot of replay value and stuff to do in a game like this due to different matchups.

New content, bug fixes, and quality of life are 3 things that a f2p must constantly be juggled to survive. Different teams work on different things. Someone making a character asset is not going to be the same person fixing a bug, for example. This studio is still quite small for a game of this scale, at a little over 100 people. It is also on a multiplatform concurrent build with cross-platform play, so it takes more time for updates to go through the cert process. I highly recommend watching the Warframe documentary on youtube to understand more of what the dev process for a game like this is.  They are half the size, but they seem to be following that same process.


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #16 on: January 29, 2019, 12:30:53 AM
I'm with litch on this one(except the "fluff" term). They've gotta make space for preventative maintenance if they expect to make it to this destination in one piece.

I'll use thier roadmap metaphor. Say you're on on a road trip and you have to hit a few different cities. You're heading from say, Chicago to Cincinnati to Detroit, ect. If you get a flat between Chicago and Cincinnati you dont say, 'we can't stop to change the tire, we have places to be'. By the time you get to Chicago you might have a bent rim or worse. You're going to have to put in considerably more effort to get to your destination than if you had just stopped and changed the tire in the first place. Or, you might just get stranded somewhere in between.

I could be wrong maybe they have made room for maintenance and it's just not the kind of work I notice or want. But it's most certainly not a healthy expectation to want to finish something new before addressnging existing problems. Especially when it's going to cost you most of the players who are going to flood in when the new chars drop and they are met with an prohibitively imbalaced system.


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #17 on: January 29, 2019, 12:20:23 PM
I'm with litch on this one(except the "fluff" term). They've gotta make space for preventative maintenance if they expect to make it to this destination in one piece.

I'll use thier roadmap metaphor. Say you're on on a road trip and you have to hit a few different cities. You're heading from say, Chicago to Cincinnati to Detroit, ect. If you get a flat between Chicago and Cincinnati you dont say, 'we can't stop to change the tire, we have places to be'. By the time you get to Chicago you might have a bent rim or worse. You're going to have to put in considerably more effort to get to your destination than if you had just stopped and changed the tire in the first place. Or, you might just get stranded somewhere in between.

I could be wrong maybe they have made room for maintenance and it's just not the kind of work I notice or want. But it's most certainly not a healthy expectation to want to finish something new before addressnging existing problems. Especially when it's going to cost you most of the players who are going to flood in when the new chars drop and they are met with an prohibitively imbalaced system.

hit the nail on the head right there dude.

from reading around other posts, someone said that they have so many people for design and so many people for technical ect, so they cant just swap people over to sort it.

But how is this true? if anyone has ever worked in anything, you would know, if the company needs people to do something else, even if it requires a small amount of training, then the company does that. why cant it be done here?

I mean all most people have to do, is learn how to replicate what is posted on the forums, considering thats pretty easy to do since alot of the forum posts are detailed and relay it to that team.

i think this is the flaw here, when you got a small team originally, then the technical team is even smaller, but they both have to learn how to replicate, fix and program it into the code, that very small section is now even smaller. if just the entire team was working on fixes, it wouldnt take more than a couple of weeks to fix all the problems on these forums, thus the player base would start to increase again.

i mean playerbase wise, its getting worse and worse, i'd say litterally 80% of my games this week, have had a level 1 or under level 10 quit and never return to the game. something needs to be done about this sooner rather than later. the longer you leave it, the worse its going to get.

I mean just look at the steam reviews, Mostly Negative. How do you expect to attract players, when the recent reviews are mostly negative.

if i hadnt been playing this game and i saw that, i'd avoid it.


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #18 on: January 29, 2019, 05:27:23 PM
The thing is we could save a lot of these new prospects with one simple fix. Either make voice chat on by default or start the game first time with a prompt that says "this game rewards tactical cooperation, the voice chat option can help you get the most out of your team" with a button to opt in.

This game can be overwhelming and there is no way to offer constructive feedback or coach new players without voice chat on. If I could talk to the new player I would ease them in and show them the ropes. Of course they don't think the game is fair they're practically on thier own and not able to judge what the optimal strategy so they just get chewed up.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 07:11:56 PM by Placelord »


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #19 on: January 29, 2019, 08:55:18 PM
from reading around other posts, someone said that they have so many people for design and so many people for technical ect, so they cant just swap people over to sort it.

But how is this true? if anyone has ever worked in anything, you would know, if the company needs people to do something else, even if it requires a small amount of training, then the company does that. why cant it be done here?

Uhhhhh, are you seriously asking 'why can't they just train 3D modeling artists to program code and fix bugs, and coders to do art?'

There are different skillsets in a production, or any company with multiple departments. That's like asking Wal-Mart to take a Cashier and train them to be a butcher or tech to fix a busted register. Game development is not comparable to "just anything" like you are claiming. Most people are specialists in stuff like this.

C'mon Karen and Herraez, why haven't you guys personally been making new missions for season 2 yet?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 09:08:02 PM by LordDraco3 »


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #20 on: January 29, 2019, 10:20:34 PM

from reading around other posts, someone said that they have so many people for design and so many people for technical ect, so they cant just swap people over to sort it.

But how is this true? if anyone has ever worked in anything, you would know, if the company needs people to do something else, even if it requires a small amount of training, then the company does that. why cant it be done here?


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #21 on: January 29, 2019, 10:29:40 PM
I think I've gotten a bit off topic here. The grind is not ideal. I'd say it's manageable but that's just me. The direction of the conversation seems to have moved towards resource prioritization in response to the team's seeming singular focus on the roadmap.

The point being made is that if the team is not interested in devoting resources to player retention, than the big changes from the roadmap will be for naught. I don't think that end user experience tweaks like upping rewards or making alterations to the UI should be considered large scale projects requiring the diversion of entire departments.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 12:36:22 AM by Placelord »


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #22 on: July 31, 2019, 09:22:16 PM
All this time and we're still earning a pitiful amount of faction points. It's like suggestions always go on deaf ears.

Spent another 100k faction points I had saved up trying to get rare mercy card for iune and ofc didn't get it. This is going to take forever to regain that amount of talent points.


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #23 on: August 01, 2019, 12:20:18 AM
All this time and we're still earning a pitiful amount of faction points. It's like suggestions always go on deaf ears.

Spent another 100k faction points I had saved up trying to get rare mercy card for iune and ofc didn't get it. This is going to take forever to regain that amount of talent points.

The card system is being totally reworked as we speak. If nothing goes wrong, it should be ready for the upcoming Heavy Metal update release.

As for now, the new system is not RNG-based and allows for more control when spending Talent Points on card unlocking, which should be good news for everyone. :)
That said, we'd rather not go into detail until we get closer to its release.


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Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
Reply #24 on: August 01, 2019, 11:34:02 AM
All this time and we're still earning a pitiful amount of faction points. It's like suggestions always go on deaf ears.

Spent another 100k faction points I had saved up trying to get rare mercy card for iune and ofc didn't get it. This is going to take forever to regain that amount of talent points.

The card system is being totally reworked as we speak. If nothing goes wrong, it should be ready for the upcoming Heavy Metal update release.

As for now, the new system is not RNG-based and allows for more control when spending Talent Points on card unlocking, which should be good news for everyone. :)
That said, we'd rather not go into detail until we get closer to its release.

Another bit of info that (at least personally) eases some tension. Really looking forward to that update. Thx MSE_Jefe-Hernan