I know I just signed up to the community but man it seems every other hour there posts tearing this game down. There's players saying "Mercury steam abandon us, the game is broken etc" How?? A year ago when this game first came out as raiders you had to pay for everything!!! DLC's were 9 bucks didn't see you guys throwing 9 bucks otherwise it still would have been locked.
I have an issue with players who do not let a game breath. There are players complaining about the bp drops which yes are a pain but is that really the case?? I been grinding for Ayana Legacy for 4 days with 2 reward resets a day blueprints duplicates, failed missions, completed missions, ppl leaving but that didn't make me come on here or make a video why this game sucks. There's ppl complaining about in-game chat and it's in the options??!! like all other games.
I'm pretty sure most wasn't feeling that way doing raids in destiny hoping to get that icebreaker but get disappointed to get the hard light..or better yet...you have 4 icebreakers and you want the gallajarjhorn but all you get is the hard light?? People abandoning the raids/nightfalls when they don't go as planned. It happens in every game you can't have it your way all the time or have the same rng results from another game. There's a reason why F2P games have serious grinds warframe has a grind, paladins have a grind, overwatch had a grind learning how to color a coloring book properly has a grind everything has a grind.
I know this gonna fall on deaf ears but to all new players get to know the game, don't quit on the team this not one of those games where you quit and everything will be good, just like destiny in the strikes and raids teamwork is the best work. Don't have one bad game then jump on here and making crazy rant threads give it sometime be patience, We waited for a whole year for the game to be free now how about let Mercury steam do their thing so they can give us the updates we want.
PS someone on here compared this game to warframe and said it was the best F2P. One could agree but I'm sure you weren't playing it when it was a terrible and horrible game to get into and no one was paying attention to it which was like 2-3 years ago when Destiny 1 was blowing it out the water.
Keep raiding and antagging
See you guys on the broken planet.