Author Topic: Low Level vs. High Level rewards  (Read 10606 times)


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Low Level vs. High Level rewards
on: December 02, 2018, 11:34:04 PM
Here is what a lower level's mission screen look like. There's 17 one-time rewards in total. I believe this player is in the 40's

And here's what mine looks like. I have 3.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #1 on: December 02, 2018, 11:51:18 PM

They are trying really, really, REALLY hard to keep new players busy and happy...

And the veterans (higher levels)... well... fuck veterans  ;D ;D

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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #2 on: December 03, 2018, 12:11:27 AM
This makes my eyes sad.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #3 on: December 03, 2018, 12:19:37 AM
i believe this is like this because new players wont have many missions available.
still, i wish they would just make it so rewards will only appear on missions you can play.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #4 on: December 03, 2018, 12:50:55 AM
This was my suggestion from back in early September, and I still find it relevant. I was very happy that MSE fixed the common blueprint drought that high level players had, but I feel this bears repeating outside of discord:

Set the values for rewards to be a minimum of 1 per rotation, for both common and rare blueprints.
Something like:
Common [1-3]
Rare [1-2]
Gold Very High [2-4]
Faction Very High [1-3]
XP boosters [0-1]
MAX ONE-TIME REWARDS [8] These numbers are just suggestions of course.


After winning a one-time reward, reset that mission's rewards back to the regular ones (High Gold + High Faction Points) in subsequent games. Currently if you play a mission with a 1-time reward, playing that mission again grants basically no rewards. I usually just have a Medium Faction and nothing more if I replay a mission.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #5 on: December 03, 2018, 12:51:41 AM
Still think its a shame to have such few rewards, come on MSE show us, the veterans, some love too =D


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #6 on: December 03, 2018, 03:41:58 PM
Yeah I had made a post about this earlier. It's crazy. Not to mention that the whole time table rotation doesn't really give you more runs. It just spaces them out over different segments. We have the same reward amounts but because people who are on the 24 and 12 hr rotations can do theirs with no issue due to the time frames it refreshes. Vets who are above lvl 100 on the other hand have the stupid 8 hr rotation. So we miss out on 2/3rds of the total rotations every time


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #7 on: December 03, 2018, 06:16:42 PM
Been giving it some brain juice and the only reason I can think that the rewards are this way is to diminish earnings for players that play a lot.

Which would logically mean those players who reach a high level. They are loyal, they like the game and so they are more likely to buy Mercury Points so that they can get gold.

Man, some people on the discord always gloat about how much gold they have without mentioning that they dropped real world dollars to get it. No one has a million gold that didn't buy it. If gold were easy to get then people wouldn't gloat about it.

So, it obviously works. If higher level players got more rewards or something proportional to lower level players then MSE would see a sharp revenue drop off.

Lower level gets better rewards so they stick around to become the loyal high level player that will buy Mercury Points.

Sounds shady but we should not forget that this is a free-to-play game. And as such will have money as the inspiration for a lot of design decisions.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #8 on: December 03, 2018, 07:35:04 PM
I would much rather the 12 hr rotation.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #9 on: December 03, 2018, 09:49:52 PM
@Pothehd, Gold is something hardly any veterans of the game would consider buying. I'm sitting at around 400k gold and recently built the last three or four blueprints I had left to collect that we're worth probably an additional 250-300k putting my recent total in the last few weeks to around 700k. The truth is that people in the 2 or 300's and up have built pretty much everything they need and the gold just accumulates over time.
 With that being said, gloating over gold is pretty stupid.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 09:51:34 PM by XjabberwockieX »


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #10 on: December 04, 2018, 12:04:58 AM
@Pothehd, Gold is something hardly any veterans of the game would consider buying. I'm sitting at around 400k gold and recently built the last three or four blueprints I had left to collect that we're worth probably an additional 250-300k putting my recent total in the last few weeks to around 700k. The truth is that people in the 2 or 300's and up have built pretty much everything they need and the gold just accumulates over time.
 With that being said, gloating over gold is pretty stupid.

Those aren't the people I mean. Those people who played past level 200 don't need much. It is likely they have already spent money beforehand, as well. People level 200 and up I consider "veterans", people between 99-199 I consider "high levels." I am strictly talking about high levels.

I am talking about the people who play the game and stick around to make it to level 100, thus entering tier 1. Those people have now invested so much time into the game that they feel justified in spending some money. I have seen it said many times before, for other games and this one, that people feel like they SHOULD spend money if they have gotten about 40-60 hours of game play from a free-to-play game.

Now, if someone tells me a game is free then that is how I like to do it, for whatever that is worth. I don't spend money unless I have to and if I have to then I'll just move along.

At least that is what I think. There really is no reason to have such low rewards and then have those one-time rewards basically make a mission worthless until next rotation. Unless you take into consideration the need for money by MSE, the likelihood of someone spending money increasing as time spent playing increases and the current state of reward rotations.

My point is, basically, I don't think this will change in the near future. No carrot no chase, no chase no money, no money no MSE.

P.S. I agree about the gold thing. But, I also think it is dumb to gloat over MMR and everyone seems to think their MMR is some special trophy. I might not understand social accomplishments super well.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 12:17:02 AM by PohtHehd »


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #11 on: December 04, 2018, 12:53:03 AM
True, there are low levels, high levels, veterans and then there is The Replicant and Tommy Rawhead. at level 700+ you are in the Illuminati and Freemasons of the Spacelord player base.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #12 on: January 10, 2019, 05:28:13 PM
What I would like to see them do is get rid of the 24/8 hour rotation thing. It pisses me off since I like to grind games for a few hours, and the rewards don't make me satisfied. What they could do, is reset the rewards when all the rewards are cleared. Say for example, "Win on these map tiles to get these awards." Reset* etc.


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #13 on: January 11, 2019, 06:11:49 PM
Hi guys,

It may seem that veteran players receive less rewards than the new ones, but they are actually the same. Truth is we distribute them in a different way.

Newcomers want to try different things, keep busy, and that's why they are constantly seeing new rewards. Veterans, on the other hand, may feel these rewards don't show up regularly. Why? They are condensed. In fact, they are bigger sometimes.

In summary, we are continuously readjusting them to provide the best possible experience. Furthermore, we plan to add different rewards in the future, but we keep exploring different options.

I hope this helps!


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Re: Low Level vs. High Level rewards
Reply #14 on: January 15, 2019, 11:55:30 AM
To the posts above stating buying gold.

This isnt how free to play games work, successful ones atleast, usually people buy skins, that right there is the biggest premium currency money maker for the company.

The second on that list is usually boosts, though they are usually timed boosts not per game boosts, something you might want to look at MSE. 12 hours + 1 days boost would go along way over the current system. just make them buy only or a super rare reward. its always been pay to go faster with free to play games.

Currently as i see it, buying gold with premium currency is completely unworthwhile, for £20 you get roughly 175k coins, that isnt enough to buy a character for the most part, so your looking at maybe £25 for a single character? i've bought characters legendary skins for less in other games and those are not considered cheap by any standard, heck some of the rarest skins in those games, have cost less than a single character in this game premium currency wise.

i get you guys want to make some money, but the way your going about it, isnt that great. Considering this is the 3rd "relaunch" of the game, might want to make it a little less expensive for the consumer?

playerbase is averaging 100 per day atm, the way i see it, without massive changes to the system its going to die at some point. i can see the amount of polish put into this game, it far out does many many other free to play games, though they are doing much much better, both playerbase and economy wise.

That said, im having some of the most fun in this game in a long time, especially the boss fights and would hate to see this die, i just feel with a little more thought into the games premium currency you could see it rise much further than its current standing.