Author Topic: Feedback on the current game content  (Read 5553 times)


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Feedback on the current game content
on: September 25, 2017, 02:42:02 PM
I strongly believe this game is not worth more than a test run in its current development stage, but for some reason I keep booting it up, spend about 5 minutes looking at the background and characters, and then close it. I know, it's a tad idiotic to do that, but it proves it hooked me hard with it's atmosphere, yet the gameplay is not yet fun enough to get me playing.

So, while I don't have the arrogance of hoping my opinion will really lead to an improvement, I decided to drop a few thoughts here, and see if anyone shares my view.

One thing I have to simply get out of the way is the micro-transactions. I got used to live with this feature, as it is now present in many games, but in this particular one it feels obstructive, in relation to the current quantity of game content. It needs to be re-balanced.

Now, on to the important comments:

1. The mission areas are way too small, turning the whole experience into a cartoon-ish runaround. I understand the game's format implies playing in limited areas, but that doesn't mean they all have to be small and cramped arenas.

2. The environments really don't exploit the game's lore and story potential. In 3 out of 5 missions we fight around piles of rocks, while in the other 2 we do it on a ship, which I assume to be human tech. The lore however tells us there was a technologically advanced civilization all around this planet, that got destroyed in a huge explosion. That's a post-apocalyptic setting that I'd really like to see.

3. We have this amazing world, but we don't get to explore and experience it even one bit. While I'm not suggesting turning this game into an RPG (although I'd love that), I think the game is really underdeveloped in this regard. What bugs me even more is that we have a walking option (which I praise in any game that provides it), yet no situation where it would make sense to use it. In all missions, hell breaks loose 3 seconds after materializing. I'd really love a dev's input on this particular feature. Maybe there are plans for some hubs or settlements to be accessed/explored between the missions and I just missed that info.

4. The protagonists could use more active skills. One one per character doesn't really give enough gameplay variety in this regard, and also...I rarely found them useful in the heat of battle.

Otherwise, great atmosphere in this game. Also love the fact the protagonists have colored personalities, albeit they all act like pissed off egocentric mercs. Here's hope the future campaigns will see some improvement in regard of the subjects I mentioned.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #1 on: September 25, 2017, 02:55:05 PM
Agreed with your intro: love the atmosphere and launched the game just for it a few times.
But when wondering what to play, I usually turn it off because I really don't like what is currently there. (not event bought the first campaign and won't do it if I can't play solo or co-op PvE to get the same rewards as the current PvP)


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #2 on: September 25, 2017, 03:28:03 PM
I totally agree about the passives and moves
Harec is seen doing some cool stuff on the first cutscene.
Lycus is told to be a badass , Yet all we see is the same mold with different  weapons pretty much.

Alicia should be albe to drop from the air when pressing grab buttom
Lycas should move quicker and have a roll ability with charges
Harec should be able to create clones that survive a couple bullets/hits and do melee but can't kill
not just that but everyone should have  a passive,something unique to them like Harec gets more defense the more he aims with his gun.
just tossing ideas out.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #3 on: September 25, 2017, 11:50:34 PM
• The single player mode gets totally obsolete, after beating it on the different difficulty settings, you only get one time rewards. So there is no way anymore to (at least) farm some gold in single player mode.
• The chances to play as an antagonist (at least for me) are very very rare (matchmaking takes forever), so I doubt that I will get a new rifle anytime soon. :( However, if you get the chance to play as an antagonist, but loose the mission at the end, you don't get any reward. That's not really motivating to (try to) play again.
• If two player choose the blueprint reward, only one gets rewarded, the other one gets nothing, that is totally unfair (both players contributed to winning the mission)!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 01:19:38 AM by B30 »


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #4 on: September 26, 2017, 12:16:20 AM
with the coop you should have the option to play private with friends whether just 2 ,3,or 4 players it seems you can only play public and you have to have 4 players to start this sucks i hate playing coop with randoms as most dont understand concept of coop or how to speak so you need to put private match and have choice of 123 or 4 players plus sort out campagn problem this is second rate bodge job i payed £39.99 founders pack as for compensation the currency for character skins and the 3 new characters unlocked would be a start very sloppy start you should have sorted problems before release thats what game testers are for payed £39 up front in good faith and look what happens never again what a joke and a con your happy to take our money but unable to deliver the goods


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #5 on: September 26, 2017, 01:25:19 PM
The mission areas are way too small, turning the whole experience into a cartoon-ish runaround. I understand the game's format implies playing in limited areas, but that doesn't mean they all have to be small and cramped arenas.

I have to disagree here, if the maps were more open it would be impossible to balance Antagonist mode. The cramped spaces and frantic races to move from A to B create a lot of tension and opportunities to exploit or account for. The maps are excellent in this regard as both Raider and Antagonist, and I wouldn't change them.

Additionally, each setting of the game highlights very different parts of the world-building in this game. You get a great preview of what each faction is about just from the 5 levels currently available. Considering this particular campaign is based on the locals of the Broken Planet, and is set there, there is a great deal of variety, and a strong introduction to what each subsequent faction-themed campaign will offer. I think your issue roots from the fact that there isn't enough of it though, and I can't really disagree with you there. I can't see myself playing the same stuff for much longer. Something more is needed, even if it's just the announcement of the next campaign's release date.

I do agree that content seems light at the moment, and that the microtransactions seem a bit heavy. Particularly for certain characters like Shae whose costumes and weapons are more expensive. I think a legitimate concern, and the core of your post is that there isn't enough there for you to continue playing, and I agree with you even if I personally have been playing the game non-stop (not to detract from what I just said). The fact of the matter is, this is a small studio, and they've managed to put out a great deal of expensive content for a low price, they just need to be smart about how they operate going forward.

We do need some supplemental content between each campaign and a lower cost for some of the cosmetic items. Offering a few more rewards that are obtainable in-game without real money would be nice as well, but this needn't be skins, though that would be nice. There just needs to be an extra layer for the player to focus on.

Edit: Please, just don't introduce loot boxes or similar gambling mechanics requiring actual currency. I would quit cold turkey. It's the only reason I didn't buy Overwatch, and there are plenty of games that exploit their users using this cheap tactic.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 01:40:59 PM by Argentil »


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #6 on: September 26, 2017, 03:02:30 PM
Thank you all for your opinions.

Argentil, in regard of the maps' size, I agree larger areas would complicate PVP gameplay, but maybe also the Raiders vs Antagonist feature could evolve into a more complex form. It's sort of a cascade phenomenon: changing one thing implies also changing many (maybe) others. But I see that as a good thing. Larger maps could also serve for the development and implementation of additional game modes. In time and with a lot of work, of course.

About the environments variation...OK, we've been introduced to the factions. I'd like to be introduced also to their headquarters now :)

I do realize this is an independent developer and they've put in a lot of work so far. And honestly, they've gone over one of the most important milestones in any game: they created an amazing world with charismatic characters. I also see that the game is basically at its beginnings, and from my point of view, this could very well be the beginning of a franchise. It is for this reason that I actually ask for more, as they still have content under works and I see true talent and potential in these developers.

The world they've created could be the source of origin for a large variety of gaming experiences. While they need funding to make that happen, they kinda' need to...also want it to happen. That's where a tad of disappointment comes in, as far as I'm concerned: up to this point in time, they've only said they will deliver more of the same. What they've don up now is OK for this stage, but a full game like this...feels too limited. I'm not a fan of empty promises, but I'd love to see them manifesting interest in doing something more with this product in the future, even if it's a far future.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #7 on: September 26, 2017, 03:18:22 PM
I can't agree with the map design topic, as I really do love the frantic flow of each encounter. That's fine, to each his own. If they were to add a different type of PvE-centric map that was a bit larger though, I wouldn't complain, but I do really appreciate how games play out in their current format and wouldn't want that focus to change.

As for the lack of HQ in the first campaign, the locals don't have an HQ to speak of, they're very much scattered and fighting a guerilla war with the other factions. I do expect to see us traveling to the Fifth Council outpost and visiting the Wardogs on their turf in their respective campaigns, but I fully get what you mean. At face value, the levels are quite visually uninteresting and similar (if you happen to not enjoy sand or rocks), though I do think Prologue has some nice set pieces, as do In Shock and The Enemy Within.

I'm happy with the level of quality of the content they delivered, there just needed to be a bit more, I think. Hopefully the upcoming campaigns have some interesting design elements to them, and we get a few more options for modes.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #8 on: September 26, 2017, 03:46:33 PM
I have to be honest and admit this game's format is not exactly down my alley, reason for which our views are partly divergent. I can however understand how the game can be appealing, engaging and entertaining for fans of the genre. Also, this asymmetric PVP system does indeed appear to be more interesting and intricate than the usual approaches.

I'm glad though there are people honestly enjoying the game even in its current state, because that gives it a chance for a bright future.

Thanks again for your opinions.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #9 on: September 26, 2017, 05:09:36 PM
• The single player mode gets totally obsolete, after beating it on the different difficulty settings, you only get one time rewards. So there is no way anymore to (at least) farm some gold in single player mode.
• The chances to play as an antagonist (at least for me) are very very rare (matchmaking takes forever), so I doubt that I will get a new rifle anytime soon. :( However, if you get the chance to play as an antagonist, but loose the mission at the end, you don't get any reward. That's not really motivating to (try to) play again.
• If two player choose the blueprint reward, only one gets rewarded, the other one gets nothing, that is totally unfair (both players contributed to winning the mission)!

I really second this as this is the main concerns I currently have with the game.


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Re: Feedback on the current game content
Reply #10 on: September 26, 2017, 10:04:47 PM
I played as antagonist, first time and I won... I just want to get the points for my blueprints, and I got them... I need rank 3 and I got 5... Now I have to wait 5 days, to get the points?! Are u seriously?!?! I just want to craft my fcking weapon... This system sucks! U need luck to get the weapon u want and if all 4 players want the weapon too u only have a chance of 25%.... And then u must played the antagonist mode, for the rank points and additionally u need to farm gold... I need just 6000 is okay, but what's if I want the legendary weapon Form Shea? 20k golf and rank 10. Are u kidding me?! Please, please change it!!!