Author Topic: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?  (Read 26476 times)


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Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
on: September 27, 2017, 01:45:40 AM
Loving the game so far but I kinda just want to experience its story and missions before being forced to deal with a**holes who just want to stop the team from progressing. Why not just give us the option to allow someone to invade our game should we the want the challenge?


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 01:59:37 AM
I would say that you can play the missions on solo first, on whatever difficulty fits you. While you don't get to have a team to play with, it does let you experience the story, and a team isn't absolutely necessary to enjoy the gameplay anyway.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #2 on: September 27, 2017, 04:51:23 AM
Multi-player is necessary if you want to earn anything besides coin. The only way you can earn blue prints or other things you need to make a character strong. Is to play the antagonist or multi-player. Which kind of rubs me the wrong way. It definitely puts incentive on team play.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #3 on: September 27, 2017, 12:41:25 PM
Right, but Tovio said they wanted to experience the story without being stopped by an antagonist, which you can easily do in solo. You are right, there's an incentive for teamplay and it is necessary to play multiplayer to get blueprints and such, but I don't think that was the most important factor for this particular person.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 12:53:31 AM
As it stands right now tho, there is no point in solo mode. You get a one time reward of gold that you can't even spend unless you have bought into the game.  The option to turn invasions on/off should of been in the game from the start.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 06:23:10 AM
OP is asking to basically have the co-op experience without the added feature of having a real-life opponent trying to hinder you, so I don't know why everyone is telling him there's no point to single player etc.

I was wondering this too, last I played. I think it's fair to want a co-op experience over something that loosely resembles a versus setup or an "Evolve" mode. Having an option to play missions with "invasions" enabled or disabled would be nice.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #6 on: September 29, 2017, 05:19:09 AM
I've also thought about no antagonist option. And about only_with antagonist option. Sometimes it's a hard day, and I want to relax, just play a few missions with teammates. Absolutely not ready to strain. And there goes top-1-10 antagonist. And after that, teammates often leave the mission. And I remain alone against the antagonist and all the bots. The number of which is calculated for four.
I did not buy this game for the feeling like one Vietnamese prostitute against the whole American army. It's frustrating. A LOT.
But sometimes I'm full of energy and want to play with antagonist. I play one mission after another, but there is no antagonist.
I think having such options would solve the problem and improve the game.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #7 on: October 06, 2017, 01:05:07 PM
The option to turn invasions on/off should of been in the game from the start.
I think the same, this is necessary. Please, MercurySteam guys, add this option :(


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #8 on: July 20, 2019, 01:09:52 PM
I hate everything antagonist its suck, waste of time, money and expierience, when i play antagonist i can win any team, some characters are overpowered in som maps, super boring waste of time , i not enjoy killing countless beginners over and overm even if opposite team is strong you can kill some weakest character or noob in team over and over and win anyway, you not need to be pro to win any team, unbalanced gayplay, best thing is separate or remove that crap out of good game !


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #9 on: July 20, 2019, 01:41:24 PM
This post is from 2017 and mse still refuses to add this option. I wonder how many people would still be playing this game if only they had listened :/.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #10 on: July 20, 2019, 02:13:49 PM
Please be patient people, because hell will freeze over first.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #11 on: July 20, 2019, 03:19:25 PM
This post is from 2017 and mse still refuses to add this option. I wonder how many people would still be playing this game if only they had listened :/.
This company has a deathwish.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #12 on: July 20, 2019, 04:47:06 PM
Guys. If MSE added a system where players could turn off the option to have an antagonist invade their game then every player in the game would turn it off and leave it off. They might as well just scrap antagonist from the game all together if they do this.

I get annoyed fighting an antagonist on certain missions like "Fistful of Sand" or "Beast's Liar" because its extremely easy for antagonist to win. Kill the protector or use Valeria's Shakura to shut down the bridge aka the only way to cross other than Alicia who can float over or a Harec or can maybe possibly kill the Valeria. However, for the most part I enjoy fighting an antagonist whenever it is a challenge and not just unfair gameplay.

However, if MSE is going to make an antagonist free game then I would suggest a solo queue that you can invite friends to. This solo queue provides less rewards (because lets face it in the current state of the game the adds are useless at mmr 40 or lower) and if you lose the mission it will not go towards the pot. By "less rewards" I mean majorly low. around 500 gold, 500 talent points, xp doesn't matter it can be whatever MSE wants it or as whatever people complain about what it should be.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #13 on: July 20, 2019, 05:30:21 PM
Guys. If MSE added a system where players could turn off the option to have an antagonist invade their game then every player in the game would turn it off and leave it off. They might as well just scrap antagonist from the game all together if they do this.

I get annoyed fighting an antagonist on certain missions like "Fistful of Sand" or "Beast's Liar" because its extremely easy for antagonist to win. Kill the protector or use Valeria's Shakura to shut down the bridge aka the only way to cross other than Alicia who can float over or a Harec or can maybe possibly kill the Valeria. However, for the most part I enjoy fighting an antagonist whenever it is a challenge and not just unfair gameplay.

However, if MSE is going to make an antagonist free game then I would suggest a solo queue that you can invite friends to. This solo queue provides less rewards (because lets face it in the current state of the game the adds are useless at mmr 40 or lower) and if you lose the mission it will not go towards the pot. By "less rewards" I mean majorly low. around 500 gold, 500 talent points, xp doesn't matter it can be whatever MSE wants it or as whatever people complain about what it should be.
Don't worry mse has said plenty of times it won't be happening.


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Re: Include an option to turn off antagonist mode?
Reply #14 on: July 20, 2019, 05:33:02 PM
Guys. If MSE added a system where players could turn off the option to have an antagonist invade their game then every player in the game would turn it off and leave it off. They might as well just scrap antagonist from the game all together if they do this.

I get annoyed fighting an antagonist on certain missions like "Fistful of Sand" or "Beast's Liar" because its extremely easy for antagonist to win. Kill the protector or use Valeria's Shakura to shut down the bridge aka the only way to cross other than Alicia who can float over or a Harec or can maybe possibly kill the Valeria. However, for the most part I enjoy fighting an antagonist whenever it is a challenge and not just unfair gameplay.

However, if MSE is going to make an antagonist free game then I would suggest a solo queue that you can invite friends to. This solo queue provides less rewards (because lets face it in the current state of the game the adds are useless at mmr 40 or lower) and if you lose the mission it will not go towards the pot. By "less rewards" I mean majorly low. around 500 gold, 500 talent points, xp doesn't matter it can be whatever MSE wants it or as whatever people complain about what it should be.
I think they should remove Antagonists from treasure chest matches, so players can win what they didn't the previous day. That's only fair.
I do enjoy playing against Antagonists as well but from the point of playing as an Antagonist, the rewards are just nowhere near as they should be for taking on a 4man raider team. They should be getting triple the award, if not quadruple for winning. This would also give more people the incentive to play as an Antagonist. Beating a T1, high ranked team is an accomplishment and yet the rewards for doing so are pitiful.