Not sure how good an idea this is due to how you acquire Gold with others. It's going to cause in-fighting as people 'gold' rush to unlock her. There currently just isn't enough content to divide people so they're not fighting over the same reward and at times you can end up with nothing... absolutely nothing for your time. It is not a good system...
(update) Wow, you weren't kidding, 120,000 Gold or 2500 premium that works out to 20$ if you don't want to grind for her. Rest assured anyone using her either has the Founder's Pack or can just about burn money. Where did you all come up with that figure because I'm lucky if I can get 5,000 gold a match and even at that it's 24 matches. More likely you'll get half and it'll take an average of 50 or more matches to unlock her... just damn lol. Cut those requirements in half and I wont think you're all completely insane because even at 10$'s to unlock her people will think twice...