Author Topic: Enjoying the Locals Flavor  (Read 36962 times)

The Wanderlust

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Enjoying the Locals Flavor
on: November 08, 2017, 10:28:05 PM
Anyone recommend playing as one of the Broken Planet Locals?  :P

I've been playing for a month or so now, and I enjoy a little bit of every character and faction. However, I have a hard time playing as both Harec and Shae, potentially due to their low health pools and sniper-based weaponry. Shae in particular eludes me, as I just can't quite wrap my head around her guns (I unlocked the Focus for her). Anybody have any tips or suggestions for how to potentially get some added enjoyment out of these two?


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Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 10:36:29 PM
I stopped playing the game but those two are among my favorites. Need tips on how to play them? And which weapons/cards are the best for them?

The Wanderlust

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Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 11:20:46 PM
I stopped playing the game but those two are among my favorites. Need tips on how to play them? And which weapons/cards are the best for them?
Sure, I'll take any tips or preferences people have! Any chance to get a bit more out of the game.  :)


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Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
Reply #3 on: November 09, 2017, 04:50:30 PM
I couldn't play Shae until I unlocked Focus. With her default gun I found it really difficult to keep line of sight on people long enough to charge it up to any decent damage level, but with Focus you don't have to worry about charging, you just keep the reticle as close as you can to their head and hit the trigger. The closer you are to the center the more quickly it fires and more damage it does (I think. It's been a little while since I played her).

With Harec I use his blue gun and find a spot where I can cover my teammates. Try to locate the anatagonist as quickly as possible and remove the threat. Stalking somewhere right above them as people don't always look directly up above. He can make life pretty difficult for the antagonist.


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Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
Reply #4 on: November 09, 2017, 05:08:39 PM
I prefer Harec's base gun as a Raider. It has good charging power, and with solid aim can clear mobs fairly quickly. With his blue gun, you don't have to fully charge it to get kills, it's simply that powerful. Headshots are basically instakills, so go for that. Using his ability is all about line of sight, you want to figure out which spots are the safest and provide the most view of the battlefield. This is really easy on the Prologue as there are towers and high spaces that are hard to reach. He is also super effective against Kuzmann, just jump from pillar to pillar.
Avoid melee as much as you can, only rely on suprise in this regard. Like if an Antag moves near your return point while you are Stalking, return to it for a stealth grapple. My favorite card of his is the one where you get immunity after every kill while stalking. It helps you bide time against large mobs that discover you or even antags. Just stay calm and keep killing mobs.


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Re: Enjoying the Locals Flavor
Reply #5 on: November 09, 2017, 05:22:30 PM
Shae, you have to rotate positions a lot against Antags and Raiders. One trick ponies get snuffed fast against competent players. Her gold gun is the best Raider weapon imo as it can really f**k up Antags. She requires a lot of situational awareness because it's easy to catch her in a bad spot. Abuse her Bewitch power. As an Antag especially, you can use it as almost an area scan to keep tabs on all the Raider's positions. This is really effective on In Shock or Fistful of Sand. She is terrific if you use the card that reduces that range at which people can see you while bewitched because it really gives you a huge surprise element that she otherwise lacks. Her base gun is still my favorite for Antags. Less targets to crowd her shots and she can one shot easier than Harec.
Also, if you get Bewitched by an enemy Shae, Bewitch her back while behind cover and you now have the advantage. She wrecks slower characters, and as an Antag, don't feel bad about targeting the weakest in the group often, it will ensure victory.