I gave this game a shot during the Beta and I left with high hopes for this very unique game. I still have those high hopes and would love to give some feedback.
Pricing Model:Something needs to change here. You could make the entire campaign free and then charge for skins, cosmetics, and characters. This would allow all players to find matches for all maps. Right now with the paid content being the first campaign, finding games is difficult. You could make it a proper F2P game with cosmetics and Raiders. I think this whole thing is what is pushing away potential players. Characters cost WAY too many credits to obtain for a game where you pay for the campaigns.
Advertising:Is there any? I just feel like I would not have known about this game unless I came across it on Twitter.
Reward System:Why do you have to roll for a weapon blueprint against your teammates? That seems really counter intuitive and really frustrating to the player.
Antagonist:- Make it apparent that the Antagonist does not have to win to get rewards. Antagonist seems frustrating because it seems like he has to win. I feel like if the Antagonist is making the game harder, then he is doing his job.
- Would AI Antagonists be possible? Could help scale to the difficulty of the party.
- If an Antagonist is not available, maybe spawn more varied enemies? Add variants of existent ones?
Matchmaking:Make it possible to queue up for ALL missions in the game or ALL missions in a story set. Would allow for much faster matchmaking and would help to find others in other missions. Could also allow multi-mission queuing, where you pick specific missions that you would like to do.
Matchmaking Lobbies:Make it where you stay with a lobby you found unless you want to quit. You could then make the lobby switch who is the Antagonist. Could help to just keep playing. Also add a consecutive match bonus for something like that to keep people together.
Private Matches:Please allow for 5 people to make a lobby. It would be so fun to have 5 friends fight it out against each other, having different people take over the role of Antagonist.
You guys made a wonderfully unique game here. Please don't let it slip away due to poor matchmaking/lack of advertising/poor business models. I have seen this all to many times. I wish you all the best of luck, and have faith for the future of this game.