So, the new patch notes popped up on twitter, I was curious (and I was worried) - and again new changes to the aleph system, and of course it's getting worse …
Why was the old system rejected in the first place?? Nobody complained about it, it was explained logically, it made sense and last but not least, it just worked well!!! You should've reworked the card system instead, there are already years of complaints!
Currently, almost every week, some changes have to be made to the new aleph system, because it's just bad and does not make any sense anymore - aleph now just appears somewhere on the map, seriously!?
That whole change was so wrong, don't be so stubborn MSE, admit it, it's just awful right now, revert it back.
Well then, I wont miss much if I don't play again on July 29th.
… I knew it. The Sudden Death patch was the start of the fall.
It is also a suitable title, right?
Just like "The Great Clash" when the trainwreck finally hits the wall.